Add a style to an object.
Mark the object as invalid to redrawn its area
Get the value of a style property. The current state of the object will be considered. Inherited properties will be inherited. If a property is not set a default value will be returned.
Set the value of property in a style. This function shouldn't be used directly by the user. Instead use `lv_style_set_()`. E.g. `lv_style_set_bg_color()`
Set local style property on an object's part and state.
Set a new text for a label. Memory will be allocated to store the text by the label.
Set the size of an object.
Add an event handler function for an object. Used by the user to react on event which happens with the object. An object can have multiple event handler. They will be called in the same order as they were added.
Get the parent of an object
Get the height of an object
Get the width of an object
Get the object originally targeted by the event. It's the same even if the event is bubbled.
Change the alignment of an object and set new coordinates. Equivalent to: lv_obj_set_align(obj, align); lv_obj_set_pos(obj, x_ofs, y_ofs);
Get the event code of an event
Create a base object (a rectangle)
Get the parameter passed when the event was sent
Get the value of a property
Check if a given flag or all the given flags are set on an object.
Get the child of an object by the child's index.
Set hot the item should flow
Get the current target of the event. It's the object which event handler being called. If the event is not bubbled it's the same as "normal" target.
Get the width reduced by the left and right padding and the border width.
Allocate a memory dynamically
Get the elapsed milliseconds since start up
Get the height reduced by the top and bottom padding and the border width.
Initialize an animation variable. E.g.: lv_anim_t a; lv_anim_init(&a); lv_anim_set_...(&a); lv_anim_start(&a);
Get the type of an input device
Mark an area of an object as invalid. The area will be truncated to the object's area and marked for redraw.
Set the width of an object
Get the mapped of a number given an input and output range
Get the common parts of two areas
Update the layout of an object.
Used by the widgets internally to call the ancestor widget types's event handler
Sets the width or height (on main axis) to grow the object in order fill the free space
Return the width of the area on the left the object. That is the number of pixels the object can be scrolled down. Normally positive but can be negative when scrolled inside.
Get the user_data passed when the event was registered on the object
Add one or more states to the object. The other state bits will remain unchanged. If specified in the styles, transition animation will be started from the previous state to the current.
Get the elapsed milliseconds since a previous time stamp
Set a new formatted text for a label. Memory will be allocated to store the text by the label.
Get the group of the object
Copy the coordinates of an object to an area
Align an object to an other object.
Return the height of the area above the object. That is the number of pixels the object can be scrolled down. Normally positive but can be negative when scrolled inside.
Mark the object for layout update.
Get current X scroll position.
Get current Y scroll position.
Get the next input device.
Return with head node of the linked list
Get the height of an area
Initialize a label draw descriptor from an object's styles in its current state
Send a 'LV_EVENT_REFR_EXT_DRAW_SIZE' Call the ancestor's event handler to the object to refresh the value of the extended draw size. The result will be saved in `obj`.
Set the height of an object
Return with area of an area (x * y)
Get the width of a glyph with kerning
moves the object to the given index in its parent. When used in listboxes, it can be used to sort the listbox items.
Check if a given flag or any of the flags are set on an object.
Handle if the size of the internal ("virtual") content of an object has changed.
Initialize a line draw descriptor from an object's styles in its current state
Reallocate a memory with a new size. The old content will be kept.
Get the currently processed input device. Can be used in action functions too.
Manually set the current mode (edit or navigate).
Get the current mode (edit or navigate).
Tiny snprintf/vsnprintf implementation
Return with the pointer of the next node after 'n_act'
Scroll by a given amount of pixels
Get the number of children
Get the last point of an input device (for LV_INDEV_TYPE_POINTER and LV_INDEV_TYPE_BUTTON)
Allocate special data for an object if not allocated yet.
Get a temporal buffer with the given size.
Set the cell of an object. The object's parent needs to have grid layout, else nothing will happen
Set how to place (where to align) the items and tracks
Create a menu page object
Create a menu cont object
Get a pseudo random number in the given range
Get the area reduced by the paddings and the border width.
Return the width of the area on the right the object. That is the number of pixels the object can be scrolled down. Normally positive but can be negative when scrolled inside.
Free the data from the parameter. It's called inside `lv_draw_mask_remove_id` and `lv_draw_mask_remove_custom` Needs to be called only in special cases when the mask is not added by `lv_draw_mask_add` and not removed by `lv_draw_mask_remove_id` or `lv_draw_mask_remove_custom`
Refresh a chart if its data line has changed
Notify an object and its children about its style is modified.
Checks if the reset_query flag has been set. If so, perform necessary global indev cleanup actions
Delete an animation of a variable with a given animator function
Get the vertical resolution of a display
Send a control character to the focuses object of a group
Get the current cursor position in character index
Set the behavior of the label with longer text then the object size
Check if the object is in a given state or not.
Scroll to a given Y coordinate on an object `y` will be limited internally to allow scrolling only on the content area.
Get the draw context which should be the first parameter of the draw functions. Namely: `LV_EVENT_DRAW_MAIN/POST`, `LV_EVENT_DRAW_MAIN/POST_BEGIN`, `LV_EVENT_DRAW_MAIN/POST_END`
Test whether the and object is positioned by a layout or not
Get the index of a child.
Remove a mask with a given ID
Get the horizontal resolution of a display
Set a new value on the bar
Insert a character to the current cursor position. To add a wide char, e.g. 'Á' use `_lv_txt_encoded_conv_wc('Á')`
Get the DPI of the display
Add menu to the menu item
Align an area to an other
STATIC VARIABLES MACROS GLOBAL FUNCTIONS Add a draw mask. Everything drawn after it (until removing the mask) will be affected by the mask.
Return the height of the area below the object. That is the number of pixels the object can be scrolled down. Normally positive but can be negative when scrolled inside.
Calculate the current value of an animation applying linear characteristic
Check if a point is on an area
Remove the node 'node_p' from 'll_p' linked list. It does not free the memory of node.
Get the animation of a variable and its `exec_cb`.
Scroll to a given X coordinate on an object. `x` will be limited internally to allow scrolling only on the content area.
Set a new value on the arc
Initialize a draw descriptor used in events.
Check if an area is fully on an other
Allocate and add a data series to the chart
Clear the selection on the text area.
Set the y coordinate of an object
Recalculate the size of the object
Move the parent of an object. The relative coordinates will be kept.
Get the display which is being refreshed
Get the display of the object
Set the position of the 'cursor' (read write pointer) in a file
Set the height of an area
Get the currently scrolled object (for LV_INDEV_TYPE_POINTER and LV_INDEV_TYPE_BUTTON)
Get where to snap the children when scrolling ends horizontally
Get where to snap the children when scrolling ends vertically
Set menu page to display in main
Return with the pointer of the previous node before 'n_act'
Get the y coordinate of object.
Invalidate the area of the scrollbars
Initialize a transition descriptor.
Add a style to an object.
Set the start angle of an arc. 0 deg: right, 90 bottom, etc.
Set the end angle of an arc. 0 deg: right, 90 bottom, etc.
Get the required extra size (around the object's part) to draw shadow, outline, value etc.
Get the object in which directions can be scrolled
Remove a local style property from a part of an object with a given state.
Get the screen of an object
Clear all properties from a style and free all allocated memories.
Set the next point's Y value according to the update mode policy.
Set a function to animate `var`
Get the line height of a font. All characters fit into this height
Search the most top, clickable object by a point
Set the start and end values of an animation
Add a new head to a linked list
Return with tail node of the linked list
Register a new style property for custom usage ... MY_PROP = lv_style_register_prop(); ... lv_style_set_my_prop(&style1, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_RED));
Transform a point using the angle and zoom style properties of an object
Focus the next object in a group (defocus the current)
Get the focused object or NULL if there isn't one
Get the state of an object
Set the x coordinate of an object
Create a menu section object
Fill the canvas with color
Close an already opened file
Get the x coordinate of object.
Remove an object from its group
Get the index of letter on a relative point of a label.
Close (Collapse) the drop-down list
Get the area of the scrollbars
Calculate the current value of an animation slowing down the end phase
Get the text of a text area. In password mode it gives the real text (not '*'s).
Assign a Text Area to the Keyboard. The pressed characters will be put there.
Get a pointer to main header obj
Scroll to an object until it becomes visible on its parent
Set the new extra draw size. Can be used in `LV_EVENT_REFR_EXT_DRAW_SIZE`
Draw an arc. (Can draw pie too with great thickness.)
Remove one or more states to the object. The other state bits will remain unchanged. If specified in the styles, transition animation will be started from the previous state to the current.
Set the display which is being refreshed. It shouldn't be used directly by the user. It can be used to trick the drawing functions about there is an active display.
Scroll by a given amount of pixels. `dx` and `dy` will be limited internally to allow scrolling only on the content area.
Get the primary color of the theme
Notify all object if a style is modified
Get the key passed as parameter to an event. Can be used in `LV_EVENT_KEY`
Add animation to the animation timeline.
Initialize a line mask from two points.
Give the length of a text with a given font
Get the area of a rectangle if its rotated and scaled
Set a new map. Buttons will be created/deleted according to the map. The button matrix keeps a reference to the map and so the string array must not be deallocated during the life of the matrix.
Focus the previous object in a group (defocus the current)
Calculate the integer exponents.
Get the relative x and y coordinates of a letter
Enable or disable automatic style refreshing when a new style is added/removed to/from an object or any other style change happens.
Focus on an object (defocus the current)
Transform an area using the angle and zoom style properties of an object
Configure the text area to one line or back to normal
Calculate a value of a Cubic Bezier function.
Set the options in a drop-down list from a string. The options will be copied and saved in the object so the `options` can be destroyed after calling this function
Get information about an image. Try the created image decoder one by one. Once one is able to get info that info will be used.
Get the descriptor of a glyph
Select next higher digit for edition
Tells whether the list is opened or not
Set the object in which directions can be scrolled
Set a new type for a chart
Set the minimal and maximal y values on an axis
Scroll to a given coordinate on an object. `x` and `y` will be limited internally to allow scrolling only on the content area.
Set the options in a drop-down list from a static string (global, static or dynamically allocated). Only the pointer of the option string will be saved.
Initialize an arc draw descriptor from an object's styles in its current state
Set where to snap the children when scrolling ends horizontally
Set where to snap the children when scrolling ends vertically
Select next lower digit for edition
Remove a property from a style
Get the selection start index.
Get the selection end index.
Give a pointer to a driver from its letter
Get the label of a text area
Move the cursor one character left
Get the width occupied by the "parts" of the widget. E.g. the width of all columns of a table.
Calculate the current value of an animation with overshoot at the end
Create a span string descriptor and add to spangroup.
Set the number of points on a data line on a chart
Get the array of y values of a series
MACROS GLOBAL FUNCTIONS Create a Keyboard object
GLOBAL PROTOTYPES Create a menu object
Create a menu separator object
Set the text of a check box. `txt` will be copied and may be deallocated after this function returns.
Get the pixel size of a color format in bits
Check if an area is fully out of an other
Get the index of the lastly "activated" button by the user (pressed, released, focused etc) Useful in the `event_cb` to get the text of the button, check if hidden etc.
Used internally for color filtering
Get the input device passed as parameter to indev related events.
Set the start and end angles of the arc background
Set minimum and the maximum values of a bar
Checked if the content is scrolled "in" and adjusts it to a normal position.
Get the time used to play the animation timeline.
Increment spinbox value by one step
Decrement spinbox value by one step
Set the brightness of a LED object
update the mode of the spangroup.
Get the movement vector of an input device (for LV_INDEV_TYPE_POINTER and LV_INDEV_TYPE_BUTTON)
Get the index of the selected option
Insert a text to the current cursor position
Set the rotation for the whole arc
Remove and free all elements from a linked list. The list remain valid but become empty.
Set the attributes of a button of the button matrix
Calculate the time of an animation with a given speed and the start and end values
Redrawn on object an all its children using the passed draw context
Set the size of an extended clickable area
Reset one or all input devices
Set an arrow or other symbol to display when on drop-down list's button. Typically a down caret or arrow.
Set the duration of an animation
Get the default value of a property
Get a pointer to menu page that is currently displayed in sidebar
Get the options of a drop-down list
Get the current selected option as a string
Set the options on a roller
Set the text of a text area
Scroll to an object until it becomes visible on its parent. Do the same on the parent's parent, and so on. Therefore the object will be scrolled into view even it has nested scrollable parents
Check if there is any added draw mask
Get the next line of text. Check line length and break chars too.
Set the alpha value of a pixel of an image. The color won't be affected
Set the image data to display on the object
Get the image of the canvas as a pointer to an `lv_img_dsc_t` variable.
Get the extended draw area of an object.
Enable or disable the whole lv_timer handling
Get the number of object in the group
Calculate the current value of an animation applying step characteristic. (Set end value on the end of the animation)
Return with the extension of the filename
get the text content height with width fixed.
Iterate through the timers
Insert a text to a label. The label text can not be static.
Get the X and Y coordinates where the scrolling will end for this object if a scrolling animation is in progress. If no scrolling animation, give the current `x` or `y` scroll position.
Check the current scroll direction of an input device (for LV_INDEV_TYPE_POINTER and LV_INDEV_TYPE_BUTTON)
Apply the active theme on an object
GLOBAL PROTOTYPES MACROS GLOBAL FUNCTIONS Used as `get_glyph_bitmap` callback in LittelvGL's native font format if the font is uncompressed.
Used as `get_glyph_dsc` callback in LittelvGL's native font format if the font is uncompressed.
Set the start and end angles
Get the one line configuration attribute
Get a list of accepted characters.
Get max length of a Text Area.
Move the cursor one character right
Get the height occupied by the "parts" of the widget. E.g. the height of all rows of a table.
Tell whether an area of an object is visible (even partially) now or not
Get the an area where to object can be clicked. It's the object's normal area plus the extended click area.
Get the current scroll mode (when to hide the scrollbars)
Do nothing until the next release
Set a static text. It will not be saved by the span so the 'text' variable has to be 'alive' while the span exist.
Set menu page to display in sidebar
Set the direction of the a drop-down list
Enable/Disable password mode
Delete all children of an object. Also remove the objects from their group and remove all animations (if any). Send `LV_EVENT_DELETED` to deleted objects.
Get the type of an image source
Get the alpha value of an image's pixel
Set the color of a pixel of an image. The alpha channel won't be affected.
STATIC VARIABLES MACROS GLOBAL FUNCTIONS Return with a pointer to the active screen
Calculate the atan2 of a vector.
Get a gradient cache from the given parameters
Clean up the gradient item after it was get with `lv_grad_get_from_cache`.
Calculate the current value of an animation applying an "S" characteristic (cosine)
Make a lv_timer ready. It will not wait its period.
Get the position of a point to the chart.
Set a new start value on the bar
Predict where would a scroll throw end
Set a layout for an object
Set a variable to animate
Get an area the should be invalidated when the arcs angle changed between start_angle and end_ange
GLOBAL FUNCTIONS Initialize the dyn_mem module (work memory and other variables)
Convert a 32-bit RGB color to HSV
Remove an event handler function for an object.
Return with the sys. layer. (Same on every screen and it is above the normal screen and the top layer)
Temporarily enable and disable the invalidation of the display.
Set a static text. It will not be saved by the label so the 'text' variable has to be 'alive' while the label exists.
Give information about the work memory of dynamic allocation
Set the progress of the animation timeline.
MACROS GLOBAL FUNCTIONS Create a spinner object
Set a new text for a span. Memory will be allocated to store the text by the span.
Get the data point number per data line on chart
Get the current index of the x-axis start point in the data array
Set the next point's X and Y value according to the update mode policy.
Get the index of the currently pressed point. It's the same for every series.
Set a new a mode (text or number map)
Set an array of points. The line object will connect these points.
Get whether a cell has the control bits
Get the subtitle font of the theme
MACROS GLOBAL FUNCTIONS Create a roller object
Set the height to show the given number of rows (options)
Get the id of the selected option
Set the placeholder text of a text area
Get the actually set y coordinate of object, i.e. the offset form the set alignment
GLOBAL PROTOTYPES Initialize LVGL library. Should be called before any other LVGL related function.
Clamp a width between min and max width. If the min/max width is in percentage value use the ref_width
Clamp a height between min and max height. If the min/max height is in percentage value use the ref_height
Get a pointer to an `lv_point_t` variable in which the self size should be saved (width in `point->x` and height `point->y`). Can be used in `LV_EVENT_GET_SELF_SIZE`
Clean up the memory buffer which frees all the allocated memories.
Manually refresh the state of the animations. Useful to make the animations running in a blocking process where `lv_timer_handler` can't run for a while. Shouldn't be used directly because it is called in `lv_refr_now()`.
Get the time used to play the animation.
get the text content width when all span of spangroup on a line.
Get the brightness of a LEd object
Set the number of times a timer will repeat.
Checks if a style is empty (has no properties)
Default keyboard event to add characters to the Text area and change the map. If a custom `event_cb` is added to the keyboard this function can be called from it to handle the button clicks
Get a pointer to menu page that is currently displayed in main
Check if a character is drawn under a point.
Set a destination group for a keypad input device (for LV_INDEV_TYPE_KEYPAD)
Set the start angle of an arc background. 0 deg: right, 90 bottom, etc.
Set the start angle of an arc background. 0 deg: right, 90 bottom etc.
Get the start value of a bar
Get the minimum value of a bar
Get the maximum value of a bar
Enable/Disable the positioning of the cursor by clicking the text on the text area.
Get the replacement characters to show in password mode
Move the cursor one line down
Move the cursor one line up
Swap 2 object in a group. The object must be in the same group
Handle the gesture of indev_proc_p->types.pointer.act_obj
Get the distance of the nearest snap point
Set the height reduced by the top and bottom padding and the border width.
Get the y2 coordinate of object.
Hit-test an object given a particular point in screen space.
Tell whether an object is visible (even partially) now or not
Iterate through all children of any object.
remove the least recently used item @todo we can optimise this by finding the n lru items, where n = required_space / average_length
STATIC FUNCTIONS Set the previous node pointer of a node
Set the 'next node pointer' of a node
Set the current hsv of a color wheel.
Insert a string into an other
Set the number of columns
Return with the top layer. (Same on every screen and it is above the normal screen layer)
Delete a the left character from the current cursor position
Set a default group. New object are added to this group if it's enabled in their class with `add_to_def_group = true`
Calculate the current value of an animation slowing down the start phase
Start the animation timeline.
Cancel an asynchronous function call
Set the playback direction of the animation timeline.
Set spinbox digit format (digit count and decimal format)
Set the mode of the spangroup.
Set the align of the spangroup.
Set the overflow of the spangroup.
Set the indent of the spangroup.
Set the callback the timer (the function to call periodically)
Set update mode of the chart object. Affects
Set the number of horizontal and vertical division lines
Add a cursor with a given color
Set the coordinate of the cursor with respect to the origin of series area of the chart.
Remove the provided input device. Make sure not to use the provided input device afterwards anymore.
Set an individual point's x and y value of a chart's series directly based on its index Can be used only with `LV_CHART_TYPE_SCATTER`.
Get the array of x values of a series
Set a new map for the keyboard
Set the value of a cell. Memory will be allocated to store the text by the table.
Add control bits to the cell.
Clear control bits of the cell.
Get the selected cell (pressed and or focused)
Set a base theme for a theme. The styles from the base them will be added before the styles of the current theme. Arbitrary long chain of themes can be created by setting base themes.
Set a callback for a theme. The callback is used to add styles to different objects
Rotate an object to the current position of the arc (knob)
Get the text of a check box
Set text of the drop-down list's button. If set to `NULL` the selected option's text will be displayed on the button. If set to a specific text then that text will be shown regardless of the selected option.
Clear all options in a drop-down list. Works with both static and dynamic options.
Set whether the selected option in the list should be highlighted or not
Get the current selected option as a string
Set a list of characters. Only these characters will be accepted by the text area
Set max length of a Text Area.
Set a buffer for the canvas.
Set the image animation images source.
Startup the image animation.
Set the image animation duration time. unit:ms
Set the image animation reapeatly play times.
Set the highlighted dates
Get the currently pressed day
Remove an event handler function with a specific user_data from an object.
Change the alignment of an object.
Get the actually set x coordinate of object, i.e. the offset form the set alignment
Check the children of `obj` and scroll `obj` to fulfill the scroll_snap settings
Swap the positions of two objects. When used in listboxes, it can be used to sort the listbox items.
Check next character in a string and decide if the character is part of the command or not
Decode two encoded character from a string.
Invalidate an area on display to redraw it
Return the length of the linked list.
Clear the attributes of all buttons of a button matrix
Get the whether a control value is enabled or disabled for button of a button matrix
Initialize an image draw descriptor from an object's styles in its current state
Low level function to scroll by given x and y coordinates. `LV_EVENT_SCROLL` is sent.
DEFINES TYPEDEFS STATIC PROTOTYPES STATIC VARIABLES MACROS GLOBAL FUNCTIONS Searches base[0] to base[n - 1] for an item that matches *key.
Reset the long press state of an input device
Convert a HSV color to RGB
Refresh the label with its text stored in its extended data
Deinit the 'lv' library Currently only implemented when not using custom allocators, or GC is enabled.
Set a function call when the animation is ready
Find an indev preferably with KEYPAD or ENCOEDR type that uses the given group. In other words, find an indev, that is related to the given group. In the worst case simply return the latest indev
Search for snap point in the `min` - `max` range.
Search for snap point in the `min` - `max` range.
MACROS GLOBAL FUNCTIONS Initialize a display driver with default values. It is used to surly have known values in the fields ant not memory junk. After it you can set the fields.
Close the pending decoding. Free resources etc.
Invalidate an image source in the cache. Useful if the image source is updated therefore it needs to be cached again.
Check if a color format has alpha channel or not
Delete a part of a string
Get the internal buffer of a display
Get the memory consumption of a raw bitmap, given color format and dimensions.
Gets a pointer to the currently active object in the currently processed input device.
Called periodically to handle the refreshing
Check if a linked list is empty
Set attributes of all buttons of a button matrix
Get the last element of a path (e.g. U:/folder/file -> file)
Get the old area of the object before its size was changed. Can be used in `LV_EVENT_SIZE_CHANGED`
Get the animation descriptor of a scrolling. Can be used in `LV_EVENT_SCROLL_BEGIN`
Get a pointer to an `lv_hit_test_info_t` variable in which the hit test result should be saved. Can be used in `LV_EVENT_HIT_TEST`
Get a pointer to an area which should be examined whether the object fully covers it or not. Can be used in `LV_EVENT_HIT_TEST`
Set the result of cover checking. Can be used in `LV_EVENT_COVER_CHECK`
Create a new object group
Remove all objects from a group
Stop the event from bubbling. This is only valid when called in the middle of an event processing chain.
Stop processing this event. This is only valid when called in the middle of an event processing chain.
Register a new, custom event ID. It can be used the same way as e.g. `LV_EVENT_CLICKED` to send custom events
Do not let to change the focus from the current object
Set a function for a group which will be called when a new object is focused
Set a function for a group which will be called when a focus edge is reached
Set whether the next or previous item in a group is focused if the currently focused obj is deleted.
Set whether focus next/prev will allow wrapping from first->last or last->first object.
Get the focus callback function of a group
Get the edge callback function of a group
Get whether focus next/prev will allow wrapping from first->last or last->first object.
Check if any object has a given class (type). It checks the ancestor classes too.
Get the class (type) of the object
Check if any object is still "alive".
Enable or disable one or all input devices (default enabled)
Set a cursor for a pointer input device (for LV_INPUT_TYPE_POINTER and LV_INPUT_TYPE_BUTTON)
Get the number of currently running animations
Calculate the current value of an animation with 3 bounces
Get global animation refresher timer.
Get whether the animation timeline is played in reverse.
Give the position of the read write pointer
Initialize a 'fs_dir_t' variable for directory reading
Read the next filename form a directory. The name of the directories will begin with '/'
Close the directory reading
Fill a buffer with the letters of existing drivers
Set spinbox rollover function
Set cursor position to a specific digit for edition
Set direction of digit step when clicking an encoder button while in editing mode
Get spinbox rollover function status
Get the spinbox numeral value (user has to convert to float according to its digit format)
Get the spinbox step value (user has to convert to float according to its digit format)
Get a spangroup child by its index.
get the align of the spangroup.
get the overflow of the spangroup.
get the indent of the spangroup.
get the mode of the spangroup.
Toggle the state of a LED
Create an "empty" timer. It needs to initialized with at least `lv_timer_set_cb` and `lv_timer_set_period`
Set new period for a lv_timer
Reset a lv_timer. It will be called the previously set period milliseconds later.
Get the number of custom properties that have been registered thus far.
Deallocate and remove a data series from a chart
Hide/Unhide a single series of a chart.
Change the color of a series
Set the index of the x-axis start point in the data array. This point will be considers the first (left) point and the other points will be drawn after it.
Set the coordinate of the cursor with respect to the origin of series area of the chart.
Get the coordinate of the cursor with respect to the origin of series area of the chart.
Initialize all data points of a series with a value
Set an individual point's y value of a chart's series directly based on its index
Set an external array for the y data points to use for the chart NOTE: It is the users responsibility to make sure the `point_cnt` matches the external array size.
Set an external array for the x data points to use for the chart NOTE: It is the users responsibility to make sure the `point_cnt` matches the external array size.
Show the button title in a popover when pressed.
Assign a Text Area to the Keyboard. The pressed characters will be put there.
Set a new a mode (text or number map)
Set the how the header should behave and its position
Get a pointer to sidebar header obj
Get the long mode of a label
Delete characters from a label. The label text can not be static.
Enable (or disable) the y coordinate inversion. If enabled then y will be subtracted from the height of the object, therefore the y = 0 coordinate will be on the bottom.
Get the y inversion attribute
Set the text of a check box. `txt` must not be deallocated during the life of this checkbox.
Initialize a file system driver with default values. It is used to surly have known values in the fields ant not memory junk. After it you can set the fields.
Test if a drive is ready or not. If the `ready` function was not initialized `true` will be returned.
Set the an array of points for LV_INDEV_TYPE_BUTTON. These points will be assigned to the buttons to press a specific point on the screen
Get the current gesture direct
Get the last pressed key of an input device (for LV_INDEV_TYPE_KEYPAD)
Get a pointer to the indev read timer to modify its parameters with `lv_timer_...` functions.
Redraw the invalidated areas now. Normally the redrawing is periodically executed in `lv_timer_handler` but a long blocking process can prevent the call of `lv_timer_handler`. In this case if the GUI is updated in the process (e.g. progress bar) this function can be called when the screen should be updated.
Get the small font of the theme
Get the normal font of the theme
Get the secondary color of the theme
Set minimum and the maximum values of an arc
Set a change rate to limit the speed how fast the arc should reach the pressed point.
Get the start angle of an arc.
Get the end angle of an arc.
Get the start angle of an arc background.
Get the end angle of an arc background.
Get the minimum value of an arc
Get the maximum value of an arc
Get whether the arc is type or not.
Align an object to the current position of the arc (knob)
Give the slider is being dragged or not
Add an options to a drop-down list from a string. Only works for non-static options.
Get the list of a drop-down to allow styling or other modifications
Get text of the drop-down list's button.
Get the index of an option.
Get the symbol on the drop-down list. Typically a down caret or arrow.
Get whether the selected option in the list should be highlighted or not
Get the direction of the drop-down list
Get the options of a roller
Set the replacement characters to show in password mode
In `LV_EVENT_INSERT` the text which planned to be inserted can be replaced by an other text. It can be used to add automatic formatting to the text area.
Enable/disable selection mode.
Set how long show the password before changing it to '*'
Deprecated: use the normal text_align style property instead Set the label's alignment. It sets where the label is aligned (in one line mode it can be smaller than the text area) and how the lines of the area align in case of multiline text area
Get the placeholder text of a text area
Get whether the cursor click positioning is enabled or not.
Get the password mode attribute
Find whether text is selected or not.
Find whether selection mode is enabled.
Set how long show the password before changing it to '*'
Set the palette color of a canvas with index format. Valid only for `LV_IMG_CF_INDEXED1/2/4/8`
Get the color of a pixel on the canvas
Copy a buffer to the canvas
Get the button matrix object of the calendar. It shows the dates and day names.
Get the highlighted dates
Get the number of the highlighted dates
DEPRECATED because doesn't work if multiple event handlers are added to an object. Remove an event handler function for an object.
Set the width reduced by the left and right padding and the border width.
Get the x2 coordinate of object.
Tell whether an object is being scrolled or not at this moment
Fade in an an object and all its children.
Fade out an an object and all its children.
Set a delay before starting the animation
Get the theme of a display
Set the path (curve) of the animation.
Convert a percentage value to `lv_coord_t`. Percentage values are stored in special range
Make the refreshing from an object. Draw all its children and the youngers too.
STATIC FUNCTIONS Convert a hexadecimal characters to a number (0..15)
Refresh the position of the roller. It uses the id stored in: roller->ddlist.selected_option_id
Remove all mask with a given custom ID
Initialize a line mask from a point and an angle.
Tell the group of a property. If the a property from a group is set in a style the (1 has_group is set. It allows early skipping the style if the property is not exists in the style at all.
Set a default display. The new screens will be created on it by default.
Get the full / physical horizontal resolution of a display
Get the full / physical vertical resolution of a display
Get display invalidation is enabled.
Add a new tail to a linked list
Set the button control map (hidden, disabled etc.) for a button matrix. The control map array will be copied and so may be deallocated after this function returns.
Handle throwing after scrolling. Called by LVGL during input device processing
Helper function for asynchronously deleting objects. Useful for cases where you can't delete an object directly in an `LV_EVENT_DELETE` handler (i.e. parent).
Make the animation repeat itself.
@endcond Get the brightness of a color
Update the control map for the current mode
Hide all characters (convert them to '*')
Check if the style property has a specified behavioral flag. Do not pass multiple flags to this function as backwards-compatibility is not guaranteed for that.
Test if char is break char or not (a text can broken here or not)
Get the active screen of the default display
Used internally to update arc angles after a value change
Initialize a display buffer
Register an initialized display driver. Automatically set the first display as active.
STATIC VARIABLES MACROS GLOBAL FUNCTIONS Initialize the image decoder module
Open an image. Try the created image decoders one by one. Once one is able to open the image that decoder is saved in `dsc`
Read a line from an opened image
Create a new image decoder
Set a callback to get information about the image
Set a callback to open an image
Set a callback to a decoded line of an image
Set a callback to close a decoding session. E.g. close files and free other resources.
Get info about a built-in image
Decode `len` pixels starting from the given `x`, `y` coordinates and store them in `buf`. Required only if the "open" function can't return with the whole decoded pixel array.
MACROS GLOBAL FUNCTIONS Open an image using the image decoder interface and cache it. The image will be left open meaning if the image decoder open callback allocated memory then it will remain. The image is closed if a new image is opened and the new image takes its place in the cache.
Set the gradient cache size
Check if a color format is chroma keyed or not
Adjust the layer_ctx and/or draw_ctx based on the `layer_ctx->area_act`. It's called only if flags has `LV_DRAW_LAYER_FLAG_CAN_SUBDIVIDE`
Blend a rendered layer to `layer_ctx->area_act`
Called by LVGL the rendering of a screen is ready to clean up the temporal (cache) data of the masks
Initialize an angle mask.
Stop the animation timeline.
Join two areas into a third which involves the other two
Check if two area has common parts
Get the current selected color of a color wheel.
get max line height of all span in the spangroup.
GLOBAL FUNCTIONS Init the lv_timer module
return a new formatted text. Memory will be allocated to store the text.
Set a special meta state for a property in a style. This function shouldn't be used directly by the user.
Get the flags of a built-in or custom property.
Take snapshot for object with its children, save image info to provided buffer.
Read data from an input device.
Check if an obj is a root back btn
Set where text selection should start
Set where text selection should end
A function to be easily used in animation ready callback to delete an object when the animation is ready
Update the driver in run time.
Set the palette color of an indexed image. Valid only for `LV_IMG_CF_INDEXED1/2/4/8`
GLOBAL FUNCTIONS Initialize the screen refresh subsystem
Return with a pointer to the previous screen. Only used during screen transitions.
Switch screen with animation
Frees the memory allocated by the `lv_font_load()` function
Free the allocated memories.
Clear the attributes of a button of the button matrix
Make the button matrix like a selector widget (only one button may be checked at a time). `LV_BTNMATRIX_CTRL_CHECKABLE` must be enabled on the buttons to be selected using `lv_btnmatrix_set_ctrl()` or `lv_btnmatrix_set_btn_ctrl_all()`.
Get the current map of a button matrix
Delete the right character from the current cursor position
Set the color of a pixel on the canvas
Nested events can be called and one of them might belong to an object that is being deleted. Mark this object's `event_temp_data` deleted to know that its `lv_event_send` should return `LV_RES_INV`
Used internally to create a style transition
Used internally to compare the appearance of an object in 2 states
MACROS GLOBAL FUNCTIONS Draw a letter in the Virtual Display Buffer
Remove all styles from an object
Process the released state of LV_INDEV_TYPE_POINTER input devices
Process a new point from LV_INDEV_TYPE_BUTTON input device
Remove the transition from object's part's property. - Remove the transition from `_lv_obj_style_trans_ll` and free it - Delete pending transitions
Search the most top object which fully covers an area
Based on the idea from Here we want to compute an approximate RGB value from a HSV input color space. We don't want to be accurate (for that, there's lv_color_hsv_to_rgb), but we want to be fast. Few tricks are used here: Hue is in range [0; 6 * 256] (so that the sextant is in the high byte and the fractional part is in the low byte) both s and v are in [0; 255] range (very convenient to avoid divisions). We fold all symmetry by swapping the R, G, B pointers so that the code is the same for all sextants. We replace division by 255 by a division by 256, a.k.a a shift right by 8 bits. This is wrong, but since this is only used to compute the pixels on the screen and not the final color, it's ok.
If `src` is not defined for the current state try to get a state which is related to the current but has `src`. E.g. if the PRESSED src is not set but the RELEASED does, use the RELEASED.
Update the key and control map for the current mode
compare a key against an existing item's key
Set the position of list when it is closed to show the selected item
Free the dot_tmp_ptr field if it was previously allocated. Always clears the field
Set the middle page for the roller if infinite is enabled
Set the rotation of this display.
Enable the recoloring by in-line commands
Make the animation to play back to when the forward direction is ready
MACROS For compatibility if LV_USE_BIDI = 0 Get the real text alignment from the a text alignment, base direction and a text.
Get the mode of the slider.
Process the pressed state of LV_INDEV_TYPE_POINTER input devices
Set the state (fully overwrite) of an object. If specified in the styles, transition animations will be started from the previous state to the current.
STATIC FUNCTIONS Get the local style of an object for a given part and for a given state. If the local style for the part-state pair doesn't exist allocate and return it.
Get the transition style of an object for a given part and for a given state. If the transition style for the part-state pair doesn't exist allocate and return it.
Refresh the style of all children of an object. (Called recursively)
Recursively refresh the style of the children. Go deeper until a not NULL style is found because the NULL styles are inherited from the parent
Flush the content of the draw buffer
Test the circle drawing is ready or not
STATIC PROTOTYPES Transform a point with 1/256 precision (the output coordinates are upscaled by 256)
Find the last item of a track
Tell a start coordinate and gap for a placement type.
Place the grid track according to align methods. It keeps the track sizes but sets their position. It can process both columns or rows according to the passed parameters.
Get the number of days in a month
Code Comparator. Compares the value of both input arguments.
STATIC FUNCTIONS Periodically handle the animations.
STATIC FUNCTIONS Skip the driver letter and the possible : after the letter
remove an item and push it to the free items queue
Find out how much time remains before a timer must be run.
Get the width of a button in units (default is 1).
Gives the button id of a button under a given point
Enforces a single button being toggled on the button matrix. It simply clears the toggle flag on other buttons.
Called to blink the cursor
Set the number of images to be cached. More cached images mean more opened image at same time which might mean more memory usage. E.g. if 20 PNG or JPG images are open in the RAM they consume memory while opened in the cache.
The user data of an event object event callback. Always the first match with `event_cb` will be returned.
Get the part draw descriptor passed as parameter to `LV_EVENT_DRAW_PART_BEGIN/END`.
Allocate an image buffer in RAM
Delete animation timeline.
Delete all the animations
Set the position of an area (width and height will be kept)
Check if 2 area is the same
Add a new scale to the meter.
Set the properties of the ticks of a scale
Make some "normal" ticks major ticks and set their attributes. Texts with the current value are also added to the major ticks.
Set the value and angular range of a scale.
Add a needle line indicator the scale
Add a needle image indicator the scale
Add an arc indicator the scale
Add a scale line indicator the scale. It will modify the ticks.
Set the value of the indicator. It will set start and and value to the same value
Set the start value of the indicator.
Set the start value of the indicator.
MACROS GLOBAL FUNCTIONS Create a color_picker object
Set the current color of a color wheel.
Set the current color mode.
Set if the color mode is changed on long press on center
Get the current selected hsv of a color wheel.
Get the current color mode.
Get if the color mode is changed on long press on center
Set lines of the spangroup.
get lines of the spangroup.
MACROS GLOBAL FUNCTIONS Create an image button object
Set images for a state of the image button
Use this function instead of `lv_obj_add/clear_state` to set a state manually
Get the left image in a given state
Get the middle image in a given state
Get the right image in a given state
Remove the span from the spangroup and free memory.
Take snapshot for object with its children, alloc the memory needed.
Free the snapshot image returned by lv_snapshot_take It will firstly free the data image takes, then the image descriptor.
Zoom into the chart in X direction
Zoom into the chart in Y direction
Set the number of tick lines on an axis
Tell whether "popovers" mode is enabled or not.
Set whether back button should appear at root
Get a pointer to main header back btn obj
Get a pointer to sidebar header obj
Get the index of the selected button
Get the recoloring attribute
Set the width of a column
Get the number of columns.
Get the width of a column
Get the horizontal offset from the full / physical display
Get the vertical offset from the full / physical display
Get if anti-aliasing is enabled for a display or not
Get the current rotation of this display.
Free an allocated image buffer
Set the theme of a display
Set the background color of a display
Set the background image of a display
Set opacity of the background
Get elapsed time since last user activity on a display (e.g. click)
Manually trigger an activity on a display
Clean any CPU cache that is related to the display.
Get a pointer to the screen refresher timer to modify its parameters with `lv_timer_...` functions.
MACROS GLOBAL FUNCTIONS Loads a `lv_font_t` object from a binary font file
Insert a new node in front of the n_act node
Move a node to a new linked list
Move a node before an other node in the same linked list
Set an offset for the source of an image so the image will be displayed from the new origin.
Set an offset for the source of an image. so the image will be displayed from the new origin.
Set the rotation angle of the image. The image will be rotated around the set pivot set by `lv_img_set_pivot()` Note that indexed and alpha only images can't be transformed.
Set the rotation center of the image. The image will be rotated around this point.
Set the zoom factor of the image. Note that indexed and alpha only images can't be transformed.
Enable/disable anti-aliasing for the transformations (rotate, zoom) or not. The quality is better with anti-aliasing looks better but slower.
Set the image object size mode.
Get the source of the image
Get the offset's x attribute of the image object.
Get the offset's y attribute of the image object.
Get the rotation angle of the image.
Get the pivot (rotation center) of the image.
Get the zoom factor of the image.
Get whether the transformations (rotate, zoom) are anti-aliased or not
Get the size mode of the image
Set a single button's relative width. This method will cause the matrix be regenerated and is a relatively expensive operation. It is recommended that initial width be specified using `lv_btnmatrix_set_ctrl_map` and this method only be used for dynamic changes.
Tell whether "one check" mode is enabled or not.
Get the total number of options
Get the total number of options
Set the opacity of a pixel on the canvas
Transform and image and store the result on a canvas.
Apply horizontal blur on the canvas
Apply vertical blur on the canvas
Draw a rectangle on the canvas
Draw a text on the canvas.
Draw an image on the canvas
Draw a line on the canvas
Draw a polygon on the canvas
Draw an arc on the canvas
Check the type obj a part draw descriptor
Delete an object after some delay
Update the driver in run time.
GLOBAL FUNCTIONS Initialize an input device driver with default values. It is used to surly have known values in the fields ant not memory junk. After it you can set the fields.
Register an initialized input device driver.
Initialize LVGL portation
Add display handling to LVGL
Set a function call when the animation really starts (considering `delay`)
Make the animation to play back to when the forward direction is ready
Get the value of a property
Deinitialize LVGL portation
Set a new value on the slider
Set a new value for the left knob of a slider
Get the value of the main knob of a slider
Get the value of the left knob of a slider
STATIC FUNCTIONS Process a new point from LV_INDEV_TYPE_POINTER input device
Process a new point from LV_INDEV_TYPE_KEYPAD input device
Process new points from an input device. indev->state.pressed has to be set
Process a new point from LV_INDEV_TYPE_ENCODER input device
Handle focus/defocus on click for POINTER input devices
Initialize the draw descriptor for the scrollbar
STATIC FUNCTIONS Join the areas which has got common parts
Refresh an area if there is Virtual Display Buffer
Helper function for draw_buf_rotate_90_sqr. Given a list of four numbers, rotate the entire list to the left.
Initialize the circle drawing
Get the next point from the circle
Position the children in the same track
Calculate the grid cells coordinates
Free the a grid calculation's data
Reposition a grid item in its cell
Tells whether a year is leap year or not
Get the nearest index to an X coordinate
Called when an animation is ready to do the necessary thinks e.g. repeat, play back, delete etc.
pop an existing item off the free queue, or create a new one
STATIC FUNCTIONS Execute timer if its remaining time is zero
UTF-8 ENCODER/DECODER Give the size of an UTF-8 coded character
Convert a Unicode letter to UTF-8.
Get previous UTF-8 character form a string.
Convert a character index (in an UTF-8 text) to byte index. E.g. in "AÁRT" index of 'R' is 2th char but start at byte 3 because 'Á' is 2 bytes long
Convert a byte index (in an UTF-8 text) to character index. E.g. in "AÁRT" index of 'R' is 2th char but start at byte 3 because 'Á' is 2 bytes long
Convert a wide character, e.g. 'Á' little endian to be UTF-8 compatible
Decode an UTF-8 character from a string.
Get the number of characters (and NOT bytes) in a string. Decode it with UTF-8 if enabled. E.g.: "ÁBC" is 3 characters (but 4 bytes)
Create the required number of buttons and control bytes according to a map
Check if any of the buttons in the first row has the LV_BTNMATRIX_CTRL_POPOVER control flag set.
Called when a drop down list is released to open it or set new option
Store `len` characters from `data`. Allocates space if necessary.
Get the stored dot_tmp characters
Resets the switch's animation state to "no animation in progress".
Starts an animation for the switch knob. if the anim_time style property is greater than 0
Dummy function to animate char hiding in pwd mode. Does nothing, but a function is required in car hiding anim. (pwd_char_hider callback do the real job)
Call when an animation is ready to convert all characters to '*'
Test a unicode character if it is accepted or not. Checks max length and accepted char list.
Create LCD panel for model SH1107
Set a delay before repeating the animation.
Set a whether the animation's should be applied immediately or only when the delay expired.
Get the top layer of the default display
Remove display handling from LVGL
Notify LVGL, that data was flushed to LCD display
Rotate a square image 90/270 degrees in place.
Rotate the draw_buf to the display's native orientation.
Get the next word of text. A word is delimited by break characters. If the word cannot fit in the max_width space, obey LV_TXT_LINE_BREAK_LONG_* rules. If the next word cannot fit anything, return 0. If the first character is a break character, returns the next index. Example calls from lv_txt_get_next_line() assuming sufficient max_width and txt = "Test text\n" 0123456789 Calls would be as follows: 1. Return i=4, pointing at breakchar ' ', for the string "Test" 2. Return i=5, since i=4 was a breakchar. 3. Return i=9, pointing at breakchar '\n' 4. Parenting lv_txt_get_next_line() would detect subsequent '\0' TODO: Returned word_w_ptr may overestimate the returned word's width when max_width is reached. In current usage, this has no impact.
Align an object to the center on its parent.
Set the user_data field of the object
Get the user_data field of the object
Scale the given number of pixels (a distance or size) relative to a 160 DPI display considering the DPI of the `obj`'s display. It ensures that e.g. `lv_dpx(100)` will have the same physical size regardless to the DPI of the display.
Similar to `lv_anim_set_exec_cb` but `lv_anim_custom_exec_cb_t` receives `lv_anim_t * ` as its first parameter instead of `void *`. This function might be used when LVGL is bound to other languages because it's more consistent to have `lv_anim_t *` as first parameter. The variable to animate can be stored in the animation's `user_data`
Set a function to use the current value of the variable and make start and end value relative to the returned current value.
Set a function call when the animation is deleted.
Set the custom user data field of the animation.
Get a delay before starting the animation
Get the user_data field of the animation
Delete an animation by getting the animated variable from `a`. Only animations with `exec_cb` will be deleted. This function exists because it's logical that all anim. functions receives an `lv_anim_t` as their first parameter. It's not practical in C but might make the API more consequent and makes easier to generate bindings.
Get the animation of a variable and its `exec_cb`. This function exists because it's logical that all anim. functions receives an `lv_anim_t` as their first parameter. It's not practical in C but might make the API more consequent and makes easier to generate bindings.
Just a wrapper around LV_FONT_DEFAULT because it might be more convenient to use a function in some cases
Wrapper functions for VERSION macros
@endcond Call it in the super-loop of main() or threads. It will run lv_timer_handler() with a given period in ms. You can use it with sleep or delay in OS environment. This function is used to simplify the porting.
Just a wrapper around LV_COLOR_CHROMA_KEY because it might be more convenient to use a function in some cases
Just a wrapper to `LV_GRID_FR` for bindings.
Get the current map of a keyboard
Get the index of the lastly "activated" button by the user (pressed, released, focused etc) Useful in the `event_cb` to get the text of the button, check if hidden etc.
Get the active screen of the default display
Scale the given number of pixels (a distance or size) relative to a 160 DPI display considering the DPI of the default display. It ensures that e.g. `lv_dpx(100)` will have the same physical size regardless to the DPI of the display.
Scale the given number of pixels (a distance or size) relative to a 160 DPI display considering the DPI of the given display. It ensures that e.g. `lv_dpx(100)` will have the same physical size regardless to the DPI of the display.
Set minimum and the maximum values of a bar
Get the minimum value of a slider
Get the maximum value of a slider
DEPRECATED: added only for backward compatibility
MACROS INLINE FUNCTIONS Move the object to the foreground. It will look like if it was created as the last child of its parent. It also means it can cover any of the siblings.
Move the object to the background. It will look like if it was created as the first child of its parent. It also means any of the siblings can cover the object.