lv_disp_draw_buf_init() function
Initialize a display buffer
pointer `lv_disp_draw_buf_t` variable to initialize
A buffer to be used by LVGL to draw the image. Always has to specified and can't be NULL. Can be an array allocated by the user. E.g. `static lv_color_t disp_buf1[1024 * 10]` Or a memory address e.g. in external SRAM
Optionally specify a second buffer to make image rendering and image flushing (sending to the display) parallel. In the `disp_drv->flush` you should use DMA or similar hardware to send the image to the display in the background. It lets LVGL to render next frame into the other buffer while previous is being sent. Set to `NULL` if unused.
size of the `buf1` and `buf2` in pixel count.