Enables or disables the TIM Capture Compare Channel x.
Define the behavior of the output reference signal OCxREF from which OCx and OCxN (when relevant) are derived. CCMR1 OC2M LL_TIM_OC_SetMode\n CCMR2 OC3M LL_TIM_OC_SetMode\n CCMR2 OC4M LL_TIM_OC_SetMode
Enables or disables the TIM Capture Compare Channel xN.
Get the auto-reload value.
Enable capture/compare channels. CCER CC1NE LL_TIM_CC_EnableChannel\n CCER CC2E LL_TIM_CC_EnableChannel\n CCER CC2NE LL_TIM_CC_EnableChannel\n CCER CC3E LL_TIM_CC_EnableChannel\n CCER CC3NE LL_TIM_CC_EnableChannel\n CCER CC4E LL_TIM_CC_EnableChannel
Set the auto-reload value.
Set compare value for output channel 1 (TIMx_CCR1).
Generate an update event.
Set the timer counter counting mode.
Disable capture/compare channels. CCER CC1NE LL_TIM_CC_DisableChannel\n CCER CC2E LL_TIM_CC_DisableChannel\n CCER CC2NE LL_TIM_CC_DisableChannel\n CCER CC3E LL_TIM_CC_DisableChannel\n CCER CC3NE LL_TIM_CC_DisableChannel\n CCER CC4E LL_TIM_CC_DisableChannel
Enable compare register (TIMx_CCRx) preload for the output channel. CCMR1 OC2PE LL_TIM_OC_EnablePreload\n CCMR2 OC3PE LL_TIM_OC_EnablePreload\n CCMR2 OC4PE LL_TIM_OC_EnablePreload
Configure an output channel. CCMR1 CC2S LL_TIM_OC_ConfigOutput\n CCMR2 CC3S LL_TIM_OC_ConfigOutput\n CCMR2 CC4S LL_TIM_OC_ConfigOutput\n CCER CC1P LL_TIM_OC_ConfigOutput\n CCER CC2P LL_TIM_OC_ConfigOutput\n CCER CC3P LL_TIM_OC_ConfigOutput\n CCER CC4P LL_TIM_OC_ConfigOutput\n CR2 OIS1 LL_TIM_OC_ConfigOutput\n CR2 OIS2 LL_TIM_OC_ConfigOutput\n CR2 OIS3 LL_TIM_OC_ConfigOutput\n CR2 OIS4 LL_TIM_OC_ConfigOutput
Timer Output Compare 2 configuration
Configures the TIMx External Trigger (ETR).
Selects the Input Trigger source
Enable auto-reload (ARR) preload.
Enable capture/compare 1 interrupt (CC1IE).
Clear the Capture/Compare 1 interrupt flag (CC1F).
Indicate whether Capture/Compare 1 interrupt flag (CC1F) is set (Capture/Compare 1 interrupt is pending).
Configure the TI1 as Input.
Timer Output Compare 1 configuration
Configure the Polarity and Filter for TI1.
Set the repetition counter value.
Set the trigger output (TRGO) used for timer synchronization .
Configure the Polarity and Filter for TI2.
Configure the TI2 as Input.
Timer Output Compare 3 configuration
Timer Output Compare 4 configuration
Set compare value for output channel 2 (TIMx_CCR2).
Set compare value for output channel 3 (TIMx_CCR3).
Get captured value for input channel 1.
Enable the outputs (set the MOE bit in TIMx_BDTR register).
Configure the TI3 as Input.
Configure the TI4 as Input.
Set one pulse mode (one shot v.s. repetitive).
Clear the update interrupt flag (UIF).
Indicate whether update interrupt flag (UIF) is set (update interrupt is pending).
Set the input channel polarity. CCER CC1NP LL_TIM_IC_SetPolarity\n CCER CC2P LL_TIM_IC_SetPolarity\n CCER CC2NP LL_TIM_IC_SetPolarity\n CCER CC3P LL_TIM_IC_SetPolarity\n CCER CC3NP LL_TIM_IC_SetPolarity\n CCER CC4P LL_TIM_IC_SetPolarity\n CCER CC4NP LL_TIM_IC_SetPolarity
Get compare value (TIMx_CCR3) set for output channel 3.
Set the active input. CCMR1 CC2S LL_TIM_IC_SetActiveInput\n CCMR2 CC3S LL_TIM_IC_SetActiveInput\n CCMR2 CC4S LL_TIM_IC_SetActiveInput
Configure the TIMx time base unit.
Configure the TIMx output channel.
Configure the TIMx output channel 3.
Configure the TIMx output channel 2.
Configure the TIMx output channel 1.
Configure the TIMx input channel 3.
Configure the TIMx input channel 4.
Configure the TIMx input channel 2.
Configure the TIMx input channel 1.
Configure the TIMx output channel 4.
Enable update interrupt (UIE).
Enable update DMA request (UDE).
Enable capture/compare 3 DMA request (CC3DE).
Clear the Capture/Compare 2 interrupt flag (CC2F).
Indicate whether Capture/Compare 2 interrupt flag (CC2F) is set (Capture/Compare 2 interrupt is pending).
Clear the commutation interrupt flag (COMIF).
Indicate whether commutation interrupt flag (COMIF) is set (commutation interrupt is pending).
Get the actual division ratio between the timer clock and the sampling clock used by the dead-time generators (when supported) and the digital filters.
Set the lock level to freeze the configuration of several capture/compare parameters.
Set the polarity of an output channel. CCER CC1NP LL_TIM_OC_SetPolarity\n CCER CC2P LL_TIM_OC_SetPolarity\n CCER CC2NP LL_TIM_OC_SetPolarity\n CCER CC3P LL_TIM_OC_SetPolarity\n CCER CC3NP LL_TIM_OC_SetPolarity\n CCER CC4P LL_TIM_OC_SetPolarity
Get the current input channel polarity. CCER CC1NP LL_TIM_IC_GetPolarity\n CCER CC2P LL_TIM_IC_GetPolarity\n CCER CC2NP LL_TIM_IC_GetPolarity\n CCER CC3P LL_TIM_IC_GetPolarity\n CCER CC3NP LL_TIM_IC_GetPolarity\n CCER CC4P LL_TIM_IC_GetPolarity\n CCER CC4NP LL_TIM_IC_GetPolarity
Set the dead-time delay (delay inserted between the rising edge of the OCxREF signal and the rising edge of the Ocx and OCxN signals).
Set compare value for output channel 4 (TIMx_CCR4).
Get compare value (TIMx_CCR1) set for output channel 1.
Set the prescaler of input channel. CCMR1 IC2PSC LL_TIM_IC_SetPrescaler\n CCMR2 IC3PSC LL_TIM_IC_SetPrescaler\n CCMR2 IC4PSC LL_TIM_IC_SetPrescaler
Get the current prescaler value acting on an input channel. CCMR1 IC2PSC LL_TIM_IC_GetPrescaler\n CCMR2 IC3PSC LL_TIM_IC_GetPrescaler\n CCMR2 IC4PSC LL_TIM_IC_GetPrescaler
Set the input filter duration. CCMR1 IC2F LL_TIM_IC_SetFilter\n CCMR2 IC3F LL_TIM_IC_SetFilter\n CCMR2 IC4F LL_TIM_IC_SetFilter
Get captured value for input channel 2.
Set the encoder interface mode.
Set the synchronization mode of a slave timer.
Set the selects the trigger input to be used to synchronize the counter.
Enable the break function.
Configure the break input.
Select the outputs off state (enabled v.s. disabled) in Idle and Run modes.
Enable automatic output (MOE can be set by software or automatically when a break input is active).
Generate commutation event.
Configure the TIMx input channel.
Configure the encoder interface of the timer instance.
Configure the Hall sensor interface of the timer instance.
Configure the Break and Dead Time feature of the timer instance.
Set TIMx registers to their reset values.
Get actual event update source
Get actual one pulse mode.
Indicates whether the timer counter is enabled.
Enable update event generation.
Disable update event generation.
Indicates whether update event generation is enabled.
Indicate whether trigger interrupt flag (TIF) is set (trigger interrupt is pending).
Clear the break interrupt flag (BIF).
Indicate whether break interrupt flag (BIF) is set (break interrupt is pending).
Clear the Capture/Compare 1 over-capture interrupt flag (CC1OF).
Indicate whether Capture/Compare 1 over-capture interrupt flag (CC1OF) is set (Capture/Compare 1 interrupt is pending).
Clear the Capture/Compare 2 over-capture interrupt flag (CC2OF).
Indicate whether Capture/Compare 2 over-capture interrupt flag (CC2OF) is set (Capture/Compare 2 over-capture interrupt is pending).
Clear the Capture/Compare 3 over-capture interrupt flag (CC3OF).
Indicate whether Capture/Compare 3 over-capture interrupt flag (CC3OF) is set (Capture/Compare 3 over-capture interrupt is pending).
Clear the Capture/Compare 4 over-capture interrupt flag (CC4OF).
Indicate whether Capture/Compare 4 over-capture interrupt flag (CC4OF) is set (Capture/Compare 4 over-capture interrupt is pending).
Disable update interrupt (UIE).
Indicates whether the update interrupt (UIE) is enabled.
Disable capture/compare 1 interrupt (CC1IE).
Indicates whether the capture/compare 1 interrupt (CC1IE) is enabled.
Enable capture/compare 2 interrupt (CC2IE).
Disable capture/compare 2 interrupt (CC2IE).
Indicates whether the capture/compare 2 interrupt (CC2IE) is enabled.
Enable capture/compare 3 interrupt (CC3IE).
Disable capture/compare 3 interrupt (CC3IE).
Indicates whether the capture/compare 3 interrupt (CC3IE) is enabled.
Enable capture/compare 4 interrupt (CC4IE).
Disable capture/compare 4 interrupt (CC4IE).
Indicates whether the capture/compare 4 interrupt (CC4IE) is enabled.
Enable commutation interrupt (COMIE).
Disable commutation interrupt (COMIE).
Indicates whether the commutation interrupt (COMIE) is enabled.
Enable trigger interrupt (TIE).
Disable trigger interrupt (TIE).
Indicates whether the trigger interrupt (TIE) is enabled.
Disable break interrupt (BIE).
Indicates whether the break interrupt (BIE) is enabled.
Disable update DMA request (UDE).
Indicates whether the update DMA request (UDE) is enabled.
Enable capture/compare 1 DMA request (CC1DE).
Disable capture/compare 1 DMA request (CC1DE).
Indicates whether the capture/compare 1 DMA request (CC1DE) is enabled.
Enable capture/compare 2 DMA request (CC2DE).
Disable capture/compare 2 DMA request (CC2DE).
Indicates whether the capture/compare 2 DMA request (CC2DE) is enabled.
Disable capture/compare 3 DMA request (CC3DE).
Indicates whether the capture/compare 3 DMA request (CC3DE) is enabled.
Enable capture/compare 4 DMA request (CC4DE).
Clear the Capture/Compare 3 interrupt flag (CC3F).
Indicate whether Capture/Compare 3 interrupt flag (CC3F) is set (Capture/Compare 3 interrupt is pending).
Clear the Capture/Compare 4 interrupt flag (CC4F).
Indicate whether Capture/Compare 4 interrupt flag (CC4F) is set (Capture/Compare 4 interrupt is pending).
Clear the trigger interrupt flag (TIF).
Get the polarity of an output channel. CCER CC1NP LL_TIM_OC_GetPolarity\n CCER CC2P LL_TIM_OC_GetPolarity\n CCER CC2NP LL_TIM_OC_GetPolarity\n CCER CC3P LL_TIM_OC_GetPolarity\n CCER CC3NP LL_TIM_OC_GetPolarity\n CCER CC4P LL_TIM_OC_GetPolarity
Set the IDLE state of an output channel
Disable auto-reload (ARR) preload.
Indicates whether auto-reload (ARR) preload is enabled.
Set the division ratio between the timer clock and the sampling clock used by the dead-time generators (when supported) and the digital filters.
Get the current direction of the counter
Get the output compare mode of an output channel. CCMR1 OC2M LL_TIM_OC_GetMode\n CCMR2 OC3M LL_TIM_OC_GetMode\n CCMR2 OC4M LL_TIM_OC_GetMode
Disable compare register (TIMx_CCRx) preload for the output channel. CCMR1 OC2PE LL_TIM_OC_DisablePreload\n CCMR2 OC3PE LL_TIM_OC_DisablePreload\n CCMR2 OC4PE LL_TIM_OC_DisablePreload
Indicates whether compare register (TIMx_CCRx) preload is enabled for the output channel. CCMR1 OC2PE LL_TIM_OC_IsEnabledPreload\n CCMR2 OC3PE LL_TIM_OC_IsEnabledPreload\n CCMR2 OC4PE LL_TIM_OC_IsEnabledPreload\n
Set the trigger of the capture/compare DMA request.
Get actual trigger of the capture/compare DMA request.
Indicate whether channel(s) is(are) enabled. CCER CC1NE LL_TIM_CC_IsEnabledChannel\n CCER CC2E LL_TIM_CC_IsEnabledChannel\n CCER CC2NE LL_TIM_CC_IsEnabledChannel\n CCER CC3E LL_TIM_CC_IsEnabledChannel\n CCER CC3NE LL_TIM_CC_IsEnabledChannel\n CCER CC4E LL_TIM_CC_IsEnabledChannel
Get the repetition counter value.
Enable the capture/compare control bits (CCxE, CCxNE and OCxM) preload.
Disable the capture/compare control bits (CCxE, CCxNE and OCxM) preload.
Indicates whether the capture/compare control bits (CCxE, CCxNE and OCxM) preload is enabled.
Set the updated source of the capture/compare control bits (CCxE, CCxNE and OCxM).
Get compare value (TIMx_CCR4) set for output channel 4.
Configure input channel. CCMR1 IC1PSC LL_TIM_IC_Config\n CCMR1 IC1F LL_TIM_IC_Config\n CCMR1 CC2S LL_TIM_IC_Config\n CCMR1 IC2PSC LL_TIM_IC_Config\n CCMR1 IC2F LL_TIM_IC_Config\n CCMR2 CC3S LL_TIM_IC_Config\n CCMR2 IC3PSC LL_TIM_IC_Config\n CCMR2 IC3F LL_TIM_IC_Config\n CCMR2 CC4S LL_TIM_IC_Config\n CCMR2 IC4PSC LL_TIM_IC_Config\n CCMR2 IC4F LL_TIM_IC_Config\n CCER CC1P LL_TIM_IC_Config\n CCER CC1NP LL_TIM_IC_Config\n CCER CC2P LL_TIM_IC_Config\n CCER CC2NP LL_TIM_IC_Config\n CCER CC3P LL_TIM_IC_Config\n CCER CC3NP LL_TIM_IC_Config\n CCER CC4P LL_TIM_IC_Config\n CCER CC4NP LL_TIM_IC_Config
Get the IDLE state of an output channel CR2 OIS1N LL_TIM_OC_GetIdleState\n CR2 OIS2 LL_TIM_OC_GetIdleState\n CR2 OIS2N LL_TIM_OC_GetIdleState\n CR2 OIS3 LL_TIM_OC_GetIdleState\n CR2 OIS3N LL_TIM_OC_GetIdleState\n CR2 OIS4 LL_TIM_OC_GetIdleState
Enable fast mode for the output channel.
Disable fast mode for the output channel. CCMR1 OC2FE LL_TIM_OC_DisableFast\n CCMR2 OC3FE LL_TIM_OC_DisableFast\n CCMR2 OC4FE LL_TIM_OC_DisableFast
Indicates whether fast mode is enabled for the output channel. CCMR1 OC2FE LL_TIM_OC_IsEnabledFast\n CCMR2 OC3FE LL_TIM_OC_IsEnabledFast\n CCMR2 OC4FE LL_TIM_OC_IsEnabledFast\n
Get compare value (TIMx_CCR2) set for output channel 2.
Enable clearing the output channel on an external event.
Disable clearing the output channel on an external event.
Indicates clearing the output channel on an external event is enabled for the output channel.
Get the current active input. CCMR1 CC2S LL_TIM_IC_GetActiveInput\n CCMR2 CC3S LL_TIM_IC_GetActiveInput\n CCMR2 CC4S LL_TIM_IC_GetActiveInput
Get the input filter duration. CCMR1 IC2F LL_TIM_IC_GetFilter\n CCMR2 IC3F LL_TIM_IC_GetFilter\n CCMR2 IC4F LL_TIM_IC_GetFilter
Connect the TIMx_CH1, CH2 and CH3 pins to the TI1 input (XOR combination).
Disconnect the TIMx_CH1, CH2 and CH3 pins from the TI1 input.
Indicates whether the TIMx_CH1, CH2 and CH3 pins are connectected to the TI1 input.
Get captured value for input channel 3.
Get captured value for input channel 4.
Enable external clock mode 2.
Disable external clock mode 2.
Indicate whether external clock mode 2 is enabled.
Set the clock source of the counter clock.
Enable the Master/Slave mode.
Disable the Master/Slave mode.
Indicates whether the Master/Slave mode is enabled.
Configure the external trigger (ETR) input.
Disable the break function.
Disable automatic output (MOE can be set only by software).
Indicate whether automatic output is enabled.
Disable the outputs (reset the MOE bit in TIMx_BDTR register).
Indicates whether outputs are enabled.
Configures the timer DMA burst feature.
Disable capture/compare 4 DMA request (CC4DE).
Indicates whether the capture/compare 4 DMA request (CC4DE) is enabled.
Enable commutation DMA request (COMDE).
Disable commutation DMA request (COMDE).
Indicates whether the commutation DMA request (COMDE) is enabled.
Enable trigger interrupt (TDE).
Disable trigger interrupt (TDE).
Indicates whether the trigger interrupt (TDE) is enabled.
Generate Capture/Compare 1 event.
Generate Capture/Compare 2 event.
Generate Capture/Compare 3 event.
Generate Capture/Compare 4 event.