Specifies the encoder resolution (x2 or x4). This parameter can be a value of TIM_LL_EC_ENCODERMODE. This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function LL_TIM_SetEncoderMode().
Specifies the active edge of TI1 input. This parameter can be a value of TIM_LL_EC_IC_POLARITY. This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function LL_TIM_IC_SetPolarity().
Specifies the TI1 input source This parameter can be a value of TIM_LL_EC_ACTIVEINPUT. This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function LL_TIM_IC_SetActiveInput().
Specifies the TI1 input prescaler value. This parameter can be a value of TIM_LL_EC_ICPSC. This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function LL_TIM_IC_SetPrescaler().
Specifies the TI1 input filter. This parameter can be a value of TIM_LL_EC_IC_FILTER. This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function LL_TIM_IC_SetFilter().
Specifies the active edge of TI2 input. This parameter can be a value of TIM_LL_EC_IC_POLARITY. This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function LL_TIM_IC_SetPolarity().
Specifies the TI2 input source This parameter can be a value of TIM_LL_EC_ACTIVEINPUT. This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function LL_TIM_IC_SetActiveInput().
Specifies the TI2 input prescaler value. This parameter can be a value of TIM_LL_EC_ICPSC. This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function LL_TIM_IC_SetPrescaler().
Specifies the TI2 input filter. This parameter can be a value of TIM_LL_EC_IC_FILTER. This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function LL_TIM_IC_SetFilter().
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