Set the command configuration.
Receive an amount of data in blocking mode.
Transmit an amount of data in blocking mode.
Configure the QSPI Automatic Polling Mode in blocking mode.
Handle QSPI interrupt request.
De-Initialize the QSPI peripheral.
Initialize the QSPI mode according to the specified parameters in the QSPI_InitTypeDef and initialize the associated handle.
Command completed callback.
Rx Transfer completed callback.
Tx Transfer completed callback.
Set the command configuration in interrupt mode.
Configure the QSPI Automatic Polling Mode in non-blocking mode.
Configure the Memory Mapped mode.
Wait for a flag state until timeout.
Send an amount of data in non-blocking mode with DMA.
Configure the communication registers.
Send an amount of data in non-blocking mode with interrupt.
Receive an amount of data in non-blocking mode with interrupt.
Receive an amount of data in non-blocking mode with DMA.
Abort the current transmission (non-blocking function)
Abort completed callback.
Abort the current transmission.
Wait for a flag state until timeout using CPU cycle.
Rx Half Transfer completed callback.
Tx Half Transfer completed callback.
Return the QSPI handle state.
Return the QSPI error code.