Found 16 other functions taking a
This function frees the components of a key pair.
This function frees an ECDSA context.
This function initializes an ECDSA context.
This function initializes a key pair as an invalid one.
This function sets up an ECDSA context from an EC key pair. \see ecp.h
This function computes the ECDSA signature and writes it to a buffer, serialized as defined in RFC-4492: Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Cipher Suites for Transport Layer Security (TLS). \warning It is not thread-safe to use the same context in multiple threads. \see ecp.h
This function computes the ECDSA signature and writes it to a buffer, in a restartable way. \see \c mbedtls_ecdsa_write_signature()
This function reads and verifies an ECDSA signature. \see ecp.h
This function reads and verifies an ECDSA signature, in a restartable way. \see \c mbedtls_ecdsa_read_signature()
This function checks that the keypair objects \p pub and \p prv have the same group and the same public point, and that the private key in \p prv is consistent with the public key.
This function sets up an ECDH context from an EC key. It is used by clients and servers in place of the ServerKeyEchange for static ECDH, and imports ECDH parameters from the EC key information of a certificate. \see ecp.h
This function generates an ECDSA keypair on the given curve. \see ecp.h
This function generates an ECP key.