mbedtls_ecdh_compute_shared() function
This function computes the shared secret. This function performs the second of two core computations implemented during the ECDH key exchange. The first core computation is performed by mbedtls_ecdh_gen_public(). \see ecp.h
The ECP group to use. This must be initialized and have domain parameters loaded, for example through mbedtls_ecp_load() or mbedtls_ecp_tls_read_group().
The destination MPI (shared secret). This must be initialized.
The public key from another party. This must be initialized.
Our secret exponent (private key). This must be initialized.
The RNG function. This may be \c NULL if randomization of intermediate results during the ECP computations is not needed (discouraged). See the documentation of mbedtls_ecp_mul() for more.
The RNG context to be passed to \p f_rng. This may be \c NULL if \p f_rng is \c NULL or doesn't need a context argument.
Return value
\c 0 on success. Another \c MBEDTLS_ERR_ECP_XXX or \c MBEDTLS_MPI_XXX error code on failure.
If \p f_rng is not NULL, it is used to implement countermeasures against side-channel attacks. For more information, see mbedtls_ecp_mul().