USBH_MSC_GetLUNInfo The function return a LUN information
USBH_MSC_Read The function performs a Read operation
USBH_MSC_Write The function performs a Write operation
USBH_RegisterClass Link class driver to Host Core.
USBH_Start Start the USB Host Core.
HCD_Init Initialize the HOST Core.
USBH_LL_SetTimer Set the initial Host Timer tick
USBH_LL_Connect Handle USB Host connection event
USBH_LL_Disconnect Handle USB Host disconnection event
USBH_LL_PortDisabled Port Disabled
USBH_PortEnabled Port Enabled
USBH_LL_IncTimer Increment Host Timer tick
USBH_MSC_UnitIsReady The function check whether a LUN is ready
USBH_Process Background process of the USB Core.
USBH_HID_GetDeviceType Return Device function.
HCD_ReEnumerate Perform a new Enumeration phase.
USBH_MSC_IsReady The function check if the MSC function is ready
USBH_LL_NotifyURBChange Notify URB state Change
USBH_Free_Pipe Free the USB Pipe
USBH_HID_GetMouseInfo The function return mouse information.
USBH_HID_GetKeybdInfo The function return keyboard information.
USBH_CtlReq USBH_CtlReq sends a control request and provide the status after completion of the request
USBH_Open_Pipe Open a pipe
USBH_ClosePipe Close a pipe
USBH_Alloc_Pipe Allocate a new Pipe
USBH_PTP_Process The function handle the BOT protocol.
USBH_PTP_OpenSession Open a new session
USBH_AUDIO_Pause Stop the playback process
USBH_BulkSendData Sends the Bulk Packet to the device
USBH_HID_MouseInit The function init the HID mouse.
USBH_HID_KeybdInit The function init the HID keyboard.
USBH_CDC_Stop Stop current CDC Transmission
USBH_BulkReceiveData Receives IN bulk packet from device
USBH_FindInterface Find the interface index for a specific class.
The function is a callback about HID Data events
This function prepares the state before issuing the class specific commands
USBH_MSC_BOT_Process The function handle the BOT protocol.
This function prepares the state before issuing the class specific commands
USBH_AUDIO_SetVolume Set Volume
USBH_MTP_IsReady Select the storage Unit to be used
PTP_GetDevicePropValue Gets objectInfo and fills object_info structure.
USBH_InterruptReceiveData Receives the Device Response to the Interrupt IN token
USBH_GetDescriptor Issues Descriptor command to the device. Once the response received, it parses the descriptor and updates the status.
USBH_ClrFeature This request is used to clear or disable a specific feature.
USBH_SelectInterface Select current interface.
USBH_GetActiveClass Return Device Class.
USBH_SetInterface The command sets the Interface value to the connected device
The function informs user that data have been sent
The function informs user that data have been received
This function prepares the state before issuing the class specific commands
USBH_AUDIO_Suspend Suspend the playback process
The function informs user that Settings have been changed
USBH_PTP_GetObjectInfo Gets objert info
USBH_Get_StringDesc Issues string Descriptor command to the device. Once the response received, it parses the string descriptor and updates the status.
USBH_Stop Stop the USB Host Core.
DeInitStateMachine De-Initialize the Host state machine.
This function return last received data size
The function informs user that Settings have been changed
USBH_AUDIO_SetFrequency Set Audio sampling parameters
USBH_AUDIO_Play Start playback process
USBH_AUDIO_Resume Resume the playback process
USBH_AUDIO_ChangeOutBuffer Change audio data buffer address
USBH_AUDIO_GetOutOffset return the current buffer pointer for OUT process
USBH_AUDIO_SetControlAttribute Set Control Attribute
PTP_GetDeviceInfo Gets device info dataset and fills deviceinfo structure.
USBH_CtlSendData Sends a data Packet to the Device
USBH_CtlReceiveData Receives the Device Response to the Setup Packet
USBH_IsocSendData Sends the data on Isochronous OUT Endpoint
USBH_Get_DevDesc Issue Get Device Descriptor command to the device. Once the response received, it parses the device descriptor and updates the status.
USBH_Get_CfgDesc Issues Configuration Descriptor to the device. Once the response received, it parses the configuration descriptor and updates the status.
HCD_Init De-Initialize the Host portion of the driver.
USBH_MSC_SCSI_RequestSense Issue RequestSense command.
USBH_MSC_SCSI_Write Issue write10 command.
USBH_MSC_SCSI_Read Issue Read10 command.
USBH_MSC_RdWrProcess The function is for managing state machine for MSC I/O Process
USBH_MSC_BOT_Abort The function handle the BOT Abort process.
This function prepares the state before issuing the class specific commands
This request allows the host to find out the currently configured line coding.
Link a Unit to next associated one
Handle Set Endpoint Controls Request
USBH_MTP_GetStorageInfo Get the storage Unit info
USBH_MTP_GetStorageInfo Get the storage Unit info
USBH_MTP_GetPartialObject Gets object
The function informs user that data buffer is full
USBH_CtlSendSetup Sends the Setup Packet to the Device
USBH_SetCfg The command sets the configuration value to the connected device
USBH_SetAddress This command sets the address to the connected device
USBH_SetFeature The command sets the device features (remote wakeup feature,..)
USBH_MSC_BOT_REQ_Reset The function the MSC BOT Reset request.
USBH_MSC_BOT_REQ_GetMaxLUN The function the MSC BOT GetMaxLUN request.
USBH_MSC_BOT_Init The function Initializes the BOT protocol.
USBH_MSC_SCSI_TestUnitReady Issue TestUnitReady command.
USBH_MSC_SCSI_ReadCapacity Issue Read Capacity command.
USBH_MSC_SCSI_Inquiry Issue Inquiry command.
USBH_FindInterfaceIndex Find the interface index for a specific class interface and alternate setting number.
HCD_IsPortEnabled Is Port Enabled
USBH_HandleEnum This function includes the complete enumeration process
USBH_HandleSof Call SOF process
USBH_ParseEPDesc This function Parses the endpoint descriptor
USBH_HandleControl Handles the USB control transfer state machine
USBH_ParseDevDesc This function Parses the device descriptor
USBH_ParseCfgDesc This function Parses the configuration descriptor
USBH_MSC_InterfaceInit The function init the MSC class.
USBH_MSC_SOFProcess The function is for SOF state
USBH_MSC_InterfaceDeInit The function DeInit the Pipes used for the MSC class.
USBH_MSC_ClassRequest The function is responsible for handling Standard requests for MSC class.
USBH_MSC_Process The function is for managing state machine for MSC data transfers
USBH_MSC_BOT_DecodeCSW This function decodes the CSW received by the device and updates the same to upper layer.
USBH_HID_GetReport retrieve Set Report
USBH_Get_HID_ReportDescriptor Issue report Descriptor command to the device. Once the response received, parse the report descriptor and update the status.
USBH_Set_Idle Set Idle State.
USBH_Set_Protocol Set protocol State.
USBH_HID_InterfaceInit The function init the HID class.
USBH_HID_SOFProcess The function is for managing the SOF Process
USBH_HID_InterfaceDeInit The function DeInit the Pipes used for the HID class.
USBH_HID_ClassRequest The function is responsible for handling Standard requests for HID class.
USBH_HID_Process The function is for managing state machine for HID data transfers
USBH_HID_KeybdDecode The function decode keyboard data.
USBH_HID_MouseDecode The function decode mouse data.
This function responsible for reception of data from the device
USBH_CDC_InterfaceDeInit The function DeInit the Pipes used for the CDC class.
USBH_CDC_ClassRequest The function is responsible for handling Standard requests for CDC class.
USBH_CDC_Process The function is for managing state machine for CDC data transfers
USBH_CDC_SOFProcess The function is for managing SOF callback
This request allows the host to specify typical asynchronous line-character formatting properties This request applies to asynchronous byte stream data class interfaces and endpoints
The function is responsible for sending data to the device
The function informs user that User data are processed
Find HID Control interfaces
Parse AC and interfaces Descriptors
Build full path for Microphone device
Build full path for Headphone device
Handle Input stream process
Handle HID Control process
Handle Output stream process
Handle Transmission process
AUDIO_SetVolume Set Volume
USBH_AUDIO_InterfaceDeInit The function DeInit the Pipes used for the Audio class.
USBH_AUDIO_ClassRequest The function is responsible for handling Standard requests for Audio class.
USBH_AUDIO_CSRequest The function is responsible for handling AC Specific requests for a specific feature and channel for Audio class.
USBH_AUDIO_HandleCSRequest The function is responsible for handling AC Specific requests for a all features and associated channels for Audio class.
USBH_AUDIO_Process The function is for managing state machine for Audio data transfers
USBH_AUDIO_SOFProcess The function is for managing the SOF callback
Find IN Audio Streaming interfaces
Find OUT Audio Streaming interfaces
USBH_AUDIO_InterfaceInit The function init the Audio class.
The function informs that host has received an event
USBH_PTP_Init The function Initializes the BOT protocol.
USBH_PTP_OpenSession Open a new session
PTP Requests USBH_PTP_OpenSession Open a new session
USBH_PTP_GetDeviceInfo Gets device info dataset and fills deviceinfo structure.
USBH_PTP_GetStorageIds Gets device info dataset and fills deviceinfo structure.
USBH_PTP_GetDeviceInfo Gets device info dataset and fills deviceinfo structure.
USBH_PTP_GetNumObjects Gets device info dataset and fills deviceinfo structure.
USBH_PTP_GetObjectHandles Gets device info dataset and fills deviceinfo structure.
USBH_PTP_GetObjectInfo Gets objert info
USBH_PTP_DeleteObject Delete an object.
USBH_PTP_GetObject Gets object
USBH_PTP_GetPartialObject Gets object partially
USBH_PTP_GetObjectPropsSupported Gets object partially
USBH_PTP_GetObjectPropDesc Gets object partially
USBH_PTP_GetObjectPropList Gets object partially
USBH_PTP_SendObject Send an object
USBH_PTP_GetDevicePropDesc Gets object partially
USBH_MTP_InterfaceInit The function init the MTP class.
Find MTP DATA OUT interface
Find MTP DATA IN interface
USBH_MTP_InterfaceDeInit The function DeInit the Pipes used for the MTP class.
USBH_MTP_ClassRequest The function is responsible for handling Standard requests for MTP class.
USBH_MTP_Process The function is for managing state machine for MTP data transfers
USBH_MTP_SOFProcess The function is for managing SOF callback
Handle HID Control process
MTP_DecodeEvent Decode device event sent by responder
PTP_GetStorageIDs Gets Storage Ids and fills stor_ids structure.
PTP_GetStorageInfo Gets Storage Info and fills stor_info structure.
PTP_GetObjectInfo Gets objectInfo and fills object_info structure.
PTP_GetObjectPropDesc Gets objectInfo and fills object_info structure.
PTP_GetDevicePropValue Gets objectInfo and fills object_info structure.
USBH_InterruptSendData Sends the data on Interrupt OUT Endpoint
USBH_IsocReceiveData Receives the Device Response to the Isochronous IN token
USBH_MSC_GetMaxLUN The function return the Max LUN supported
USBH_HID_Set_Report Issues Set Report
USBH_Get_HID_Descriptor Issue HID Descriptor command to the device. Once the response received, parse the report descriptor and update the status.
USBH_HID_GetPollInterval Return HID device poll time
USBH_MTP_SelectStorage Select the storage Unit to be used
USBH_MTP_GetNumStorage Select the storage Unit to be used
USBH_MTP_GetStorageInfo Get the storage Unit info
USBH_MTP_DeleteObject Delete an object.
USBH_MTP_GetObject Gets object
USBH_MTP_GetObjectPropsSupported Gets object partially
USBH_MTP_GetObjectPropDesc Gets object partially
USBH_MTP_GetObjectPropList Gets object partially
USBH_MTP_SendObject Send an object
USBH_MTP_GetDevicePropDesc Gets object partially