USBD_CtlError Handle USB low level Error
USBD_LL_Suspend Handle Suspend event
USBD_Start Start the USB Device Core.
USBD_Init Initializes the device stack and load the class driver
USBD_RegisterClass Link class driver to Device Core.
USBD_LL_Resume Handle Resume event
USBD_LL_SetupStage Handle the setup stage
USBD_LL_DataOutStage Handle data OUT stage
USBD_LL_DataInStage Handle data in stage
USBD_LL_Reset Handle Reset event
USBD_LL_SetSpeed Handle Reset event
USBD_LL_SOF Handle SOF event
USBD_LL_IsoINIncomplete Handle iso in incomplete event
USBD_LL_IsoOUTIncomplete Handle iso out incomplete event
USBD_LL_DevConnected Handle device connection event
USBD_LL_DevDisconnected Handle device disconnection event
SCSI_SenseCode Load the last error code in the error list
USBD_CtlSendData send data on the ctl pipe
USBD_CtlSendStatus send zero lzngth packet on the ctl pipe
USBD_Stop Stop the USB Device Core.
USBD_DeInit Re-Initialize the device library
USBD_AUDIO_SOF handle SOF event
USBD_HID_GetPollingInterval return polling interval from endpoint descriptor
USBD_CDC_ReceivePacket prepare OUT Endpoint for reception
MSC_BOT_SendCSW Send the Command Status Wrapper
USBD_CoreFindEP return the class index relative to the selected endpoint
SCSI_CheckAddressRange Check address range
USBD_CtlPrepareRx receive data on the ctl pipe
USBD_ClrClassConfig Clear current configuration
USBD_CUSTOM_HID_ReceivePacket prepare OUT Endpoint for reception
SCSI_ProcessCmd Process SCSI commands
MSC_BOT_Abort Abort the current transfer
USBD_CtlContinueSendData continue sending data on the ctl pipe
USBD_CoreFindIF return the class index relative to the selected interface
USBD_SetClassConfig Configure device and start the interface
SCSI_ProcessRead Handle Read Process
SCSI_ProcessWrite Handle Write Process
USBD_CtlContinueRx continue receive data on the ctl pipe
USBD_CtlReceiveStatus receive zero lzngth packet on the ctl pipe
USBD_StdDevReq Handle standard usb device requests
USBD_StdItfReq Handle standard usb interface requests
USBD_StdEPReq Handle standard usb endpoint requests
USBD_RunTestMode Launch test mode process
USBD_GetStatus Handle Get Status request
USBD_SetFeature Handle Set device feature request
USBD_ClrFeature Handle clear device feature request
USBD_GetDescriptor Handle Get Descriptor requests
USBD_SetAddress Set device address
USBD_SetConfig Handle Set device configuration request
USBD_GetConfig Handle Get device configuration request
USBD_AUDIO_Init Initialize the AUDIO interface
USBD_AUDIO_Init DeInitialize the AUDIO layer
USBD_AUDIO_Setup Handle the AUDIO specific requests
USBD_AUDIO_DataIn handle data IN Stage
USBD_AUDIO_EP0_RxReady handle EP0 Rx Ready event
USBD_AUDIO_EP0_TxReady handle EP0 TRx Ready event
USBD_AUDIO_SOF handle SOF event
USBD_AUDIO_IsoINIncomplete handle data ISO IN Incomplete event
USBD_AUDIO_IsoOutIncomplete handle data ISO OUT Incomplete event
USBD_AUDIO_DataOut handle data OUT Stage
AUDIO_Req_GetCurrent Handles the GET_CUR Audio control request.
AUDIO_Req_SetCurrent Handles the SET_CUR Audio control request.
USBD_CDC_Init Initialize the CDC interface
USBD_CDC_Init DeInitialize the CDC layer
USBD_CDC_Setup Handle the CDC specific requests
USBD_CDC_DataIn Data sent on non-control IN endpoint
USBD_CDC_DataOut Data received on non-control Out endpoint
USBD_CDC_EP0_RxReady Handle EP0 Rx Ready event
USBD_CUSTOM_HID_EP0_RxReady Handles control request data.
USBD_CUSTOM_HID_Init Initialize the CUSTOM_HID interface
USBD_CUSTOM_HID_Init DeInitialize the CUSTOM_HID layer
USBD_CUSTOM_HID_Setup Handle the CUSTOM_HID specific requests
USBD_CUSTOM_HID_DataIn handle data IN Stage
USBD_CUSTOM_HID_DataOut handle data OUT Stage
USBD_DFU_Init Initialize the DFU interface
USBD_DFU_DeInit De-Initialize the DFU layer
USBD_DFU_Setup Handle the DFU specific requests
USBD_DFU_EP0_RxReady handle EP0 Rx Ready event
USBD_DFU_EP0_TxReady handle EP0 TRx Ready event
USBD_DFU_SOF handle SOF event
USBD_DFU_GetUsrStringDesc Manages the transfer of memory interfaces string descriptors.
DFU Class requests management DFU_Detach Handles the DFU DETACH request.
DFU_Download Handles the DFU DNLOAD request.
DFU_Upload Handles the DFU UPLOAD request.
DFU_GetStatus Handles the DFU GETSTATUS request.
DFU_ClearStatus Handles the DFU CLRSTATUS request.
DFU_GetState Handles the DFU GETSTATE request.
DFU_Abort Handles the DFU ABORT request.
DFU_Leave Handles the sub-protocol DFU leave DFU mode request (leaves DFU mode and resets device to jump to user loaded code).
USBD_HID_Init Initialize the HID interface
USBD_HID_DeInit DeInitialize the HID layer
USBD_HID_Setup Handle the HID specific requests
USBD_HID_DataIn handle data IN Stage
MSC_BOT_Init Initialize the BOT Process
MSC_BOT_Reset Reset the BOT Machine
MSC_BOT_DeInit DeInitialize the BOT Machine
MSC_BOT_DataIn Handle BOT IN data stage
MSC_BOT_DataOut Process MSC OUT data
MSC_BOT_CplClrFeature Complete the clear feature request
USBD_MSC_Init Initialize the mass storage configuration
USBD_MSC_DeInit DeInitialize the mass storage configuration
USBD_MSC_Setup Handle the MSC specific requests
USBD_MSC_DataIn handle data IN Stage
USBD_MSC_DataOut handle data OUT Stage
MSC_BOT_CBW_Decode Decode the CBW command and set the BOT state machine accordingly
MSC_BOT_SendData Send the requested data
SCSI_Write10 Process Write10 command
SCSI_Write12 Process Write12 command
SCSI_Verify10 Process Verify10 command
SCSI_TestUnitReady Process SCSI Test Unit Ready Command
SCSI_Inquiry Process Inquiry command
SCSI_ReadCapacity10 Process Read Capacity 10 command
SCSI_ReadCapacity16 Process Read Capacity 16 command
SCSI_ReadFormatCapacity Process Read Format Capacity command
SCSI_ModeSense6 Process Mode Sense6 command
SCSI_ModeSense10 Process Mode Sense10 command
SCSI_StartStopUnit Process Start Stop Unit command
SCSI_AllowPreventRemovable Process Allow Prevent Removable medium command
SCSI_Read10 Process Read10 command
SCSI_Read12 Process Read12 command
USBD_GetRxCount returns the received data length