Send data over a TCP netconn.
Close a netconn 'connection' and free its resources. UDP and RAW connection are completely closed, TCP pcbs might still be in a waitstate after this returns.
Get and reset pending error on a netconn
Bind a netconn to a specific local IP address and port. Binding one netconn twice might not always be checked correctly!
Receive data (in form of a netbuf containing a packet buffer) from a netconn
Set a TCP netconn into listen mode
Accept a new connection on a TCP listening netconn.
Close a TCP netconn (doesn't delete it).
Send data over a UDP or RAW netconn (that is already connected).
Connect a netconn to a specific remote IP address and port.
Internal helper function to close a TCP netconn: since this sometimes doesn't work at the first attempt, this function is called from multiple places.
Get the local or remote IP address and port of a netconn. For RAW netconns, this returns the protocol instead of a port!
Receive data: actual implementation that doesn't care whether pbuf or netbuf is received (this is internal, it's just here for describing common errors)
Close or shutdown a TCP netconn (doesn't delete it).
Delete a netconn and all its resources. The pcb is NOT freed (since we might not be in the right thread context do this).
Delete rcvmbox and acceptmbox of a netconn and free the left-over data in these mboxes
Setup a tcp_pcb with the correct callback function pointers and their arguments.
Callback registered in the netconn layer for each socket-netconn. Processes recvevent (data available) and wakes up tasks waiting for select.
Send vectorized data atomically over a TCP netconn.
Close a netconn 'connection' and free all its resources but not the netconn itself. UDP and RAW connection are completely closed, TCP pcbs might still be in a waitstate after this returns.
Shut down one or both sides of a TCP netconn (doesn't delete it).
Disconnect a netconn from its current peer (only valid for UDP netconns).
Receive data (in form of a netbuf) from a UDP or RAW netconn
Receive data (in form of a pbuf) from a TCP netconn
Free a socket (under lock)
Free a socket's leftover members.
Allocate a new socket for a given netconn.
Send data (in form of a netbuf) to a specific remote IP address and port. Only to be used for UDP and RAW netconns (not TCP).
Bind a netconn to a specific interface and port. Binding one netconn twice might not always be checked correctly!
Receive data (in form of a netbuf) from a UDP or RAW netconn
Receive data (in form of a pbuf) from a TCP netconn