SPI_InitTypeDef struct
SPI Configuration Structure definition
Specifies the SPI operating mode. This parameter can be a value of SPI_Mode.
Specifies the SPI bidirectional mode state. This parameter can be a value of SPI_Direction.
Specifies the SPI data size. This parameter can be a value of SPI_Data_Size.
Specifies the serial clock steady state. This parameter can be a value of SPI_Clock_Polarity.
Specifies the clock active edge for the bit capture. This parameter can be a value of SPI_Clock_Phase.
Specifies whether the NSS signal is managed by hardware (NSS pin) or by software using the SSI bit. This parameter can be a value of SPI_Slave_Select_management.
Specifies the Baud Rate prescaler value which will be used to configure the transmit and receive SCK clock. This parameter can be a value of SPI_BaudRate_Prescaler.
Specifies whether data transfers start from MSB or LSB bit. This parameter can be a value of SPI_MSB_LSB_transmission.
Specifies if the TI mode is enabled or not. This parameter can be a value of SPI_TI_mode.
Specifies if the CRC calculation is enabled or not. This parameter can be a value of SPI_CRC_Calculation.
Specifies the polynomial used for the CRC calculation. This parameter must be an odd number between Min_Data = 1 and Max_Data = 65535.