RTC_TamperTypeDef struct
RTC Tamper structure definition
Specifies the Tamper Pin. This parameter can be a value of RTCEx_Tamper_Pin_Definitions.
Specifies the Tamper Pin. This parameter can be a value of RTCEx_Tamper_Pin_Selection.
Specifies the Tamper Trigger. This parameter can be a value of RTCEx_Tamper_Trigger_Definitions.
Specifies the RTC Filter Tamper. This parameter can be a value of RTCEx_Tamper_Filter_Definitions.
Specifies the sampling frequency. This parameter can be a value of RTCEx_Tamper_Sampling_Frequencies_Definitions.
Specifies the Precharge Duration . This parameter can be a value of RTCEx_Tamper_Pin_Precharge_Duration_Definitions.
Specifies the Tamper PullUp . This parameter can be a value of RTCEx_Tamper_Pull_Up_Definitions.
Specifies the TimeStampOnTamperDetection. This parameter can be a value of RTCEx_Tamper_TimeStampOnTamperDetection_Definitions.
RTC_TamperTypeDef is referenced by 10 libraries and example projects: