Starts the TIM Base generation in interrupt mode.
Initializes the TIM PWM channels according to the specified parameters in the TIM_OC_InitTypeDef.
Peripheral Control functions
Starts the PWM signal generation.
Read the captured value from Capture Compare unit
Starts the TIM Output Compare signal generation.
Initializes the TIM Input Capture Channels according to the specified parameters in the TIM_IC_InitTypeDef.
Configures the TIM in Slave mode
Starts the TIM Input Capture measurement in interrupt mode.
Starts the TIM Output Compare signal generation in interrupt mode.
Initializes the TIM PWM MSP.
Initializes the TIM Base MSP.
TIM Output Compare functions
TIM Input Capture functions
Initializes the TIM Input Capture MSP.
Input Capture callback in non-blocking mode
Configures the TIM in master mode.
Initializes the TIM Output Compare MSP.
Timer Complementary Output Compare functions
Timer Complementary PWM functions
Stops the PWM signal generation.
Stops the TIM Output Compare signal generation on the complementary output.
Output Compare callback in non-blocking mode
Stops the TIM Output Compare signal generation.
DeInitializes the TIM peripheral
DeInitializes TIM Base MSP.
Starts the TIM Base generation.
Configures the TIMx Remapping input capabilities. For TIM2, the parameter can have the following values: (**) @arg TIM_TIM2_TIM8_TRGO: TIM2 ITR1 is connected to TIM8 TRGO (*) @arg TIM_TIM2_ETH_PTP: TIM2 ITR1 is connected to PTP trigger output (*) @arg TIM_TIM2_USBFS_SOF: TIM2 ITR1 is connected to OTG FS SOF @arg TIM_TIM2_USBHS_SOF: TIM2 ITR1 is connected to OTG FS SOF For TIM5, the parameter can have the following values: @arg TIM_TIM5_GPIO: TIM5 TI4 is connected to GPIO @arg TIM_TIM5_LSI: TIM5 TI4 is connected to LSI @arg TIM_TIM5_LSE: TIM5 TI4 is connected to LSE @arg TIM_TIM5_RTC: TIM5 TI4 is connected to the RTC wakeup interrupt @arg TIM_TIM5_TIM3_TRGO: TIM5 ITR1 is connected to TIM3 TRGO (*) @arg TIM_TIM5_LPTIM: TIM5 ITR1 is connected to LPTIM1 output (*) For TIM9, the parameter can have the following values: (**) @arg TIM_TIM9_TIM3_TRGO: TIM9 ITR1 is connected to TIM3 TRGO @arg TIM_TIM9_LPTIM: TIM9 ITR1 is connected to LPTIM1 output For TIM11, the parameter can have the following values: @arg TIM_TIM11_GPIO: TIM11 TI1 is connected to GPIO @arg TIM_TIM11_HSE: TIM11 TI1 is connected to HSE_RTC clock @arg TIM_TIM11_SPDIFRX: TIM11 TI1 is connected to SPDIFRX_FRAME_SYNC (*) (*) Value not defined in all devices. \n (**) Register not available in all devices.
Starts the TIM PWM signal generation in DMA mode.
Initializes the TIM One Pulse MSP.
DeInitializes TIM Input Capture MSP.
Configures the Break feature, dead time, Lock level, OSSI/OSSR State and the AOE(automatic output enable).
Starts the TIM One Pulse signal generation.
Initializes the TIM One Pulse Channels according to the specified parameters in the TIM_OnePulse_InitTypeDef.
Starts the TIM Input Capture measurement.
PWM Pulse finished callback in non-blocking mode
Extended Callbacks functions
Configure the TIM commutation event sequence with interrupt.
Initializes the TIM Encoder Interface MSP.
DeInitializes TIM PWM MSP.
Stops the TIM Input Capture measurement.
Configure the DMA Burst to transfer Data from the memory to the TIM peripheral
Generate a software event
Starts the TIM Encoder Interface.
Configures the clock source to be used
Hall Trigger detection callback in non-blocking mode
Timer error callback in non-blocking mode
Slave Timer configuration function
Starts the PWM signal generation in interrupt mode.
Initializes the TIM Hall Sensor MSP.
DeInitializes TIM Hall Sensor MSP.
Period elapsed half complete callback in non-blocking mode
Input Capture half complete callback in non-blocking mode
PWM Pulse finished half complete callback in non-blocking mode
Hall Trigger detection half complete callback in non-blocking mode
Configure the DMA Burst to transfer multiple Data from the memory to the TIM peripheral
Configure the DMA Burst to transfer Data from the TIM peripheral to the memory
Starts the TIM PWM signal generation in DMA mode on the complementary output
Commutation half complete callback in non-blocking mode
Break detection callback in non-blocking mode
DeInitializes TIM Output Compare MSP.
DeInitializes TIM One Pulse MSP.
DeInitializes TIM Encoder Interface MSP.
Stops the PWM signal generation in interrupt mode.
Stops the TIM PWM signal generation in DMA mode.
Stops the TIM Input Capture measurement in interrupt mode.
Timer Hall Sensor functions
DeInitializes the TIM Hall Sensor interface
Starts the TIM Hall Sensor Interface.
Stops the TIM Hall sensor Interface.
Starts the TIM Hall Sensor Interface in interrupt mode.
Stops the TIM Hall Sensor Interface in interrupt mode.
Starts the TIM Hall Sensor Interface in DMA mode.
Stops the TIM Hall Sensor Interface in DMA mode.
Peripheral State functions
Return the TIM OC handle state.
Return the TIM PWM handle state.
Return the TIM Input Capture handle state.
Return the TIM One Pulse Mode handle state.
Return the TIM Encoder Mode handle state.
Return the TIM Encoder Mode handle state.
Return actual state of the TIM channel.
Return actual state of a DMA burst operation.
Configures the TIM in Slave mode in interrupt mode
Stops the TIM DMA Burst mode
Configure the DMA Burst to transfer Data from the TIM peripheral to the memory
Stop the DMA burst reading
Starts the TIM Output Compare signal generation in interrupt mode on the complementary output.
Stops the TIM Output Compare signal generation in interrupt mode on the complementary output.
Starts the TIM Output Compare signal generation in DMA mode on the complementary output.
Stops the TIM Output Compare signal generation in DMA mode on the complementary output.
Stops the PWM signal generation on the complementary output.
Starts the PWM signal generation in interrupt mode on the complementary output.
Stops the PWM signal generation in interrupt mode on the complementary output.
Stops the TIM PWM signal generation in DMA mode on the complementary output
Timer Complementary One Pulse functions
Stops the TIM One Pulse signal generation on the complementary output.
Starts the TIM One Pulse signal generation in interrupt mode on the complementary channel.
Stops the TIM One Pulse signal generation in interrupt mode on the complementary channel.
Peripheral Control functions
Configure the TIM commutation event sequence with DMA.
Extended Peripheral State functions
Return actual state of the TIM complementary channel.
DeInitializes the TIM Base peripheral
Stops the TIM Base generation.
Stops the TIM Base generation in interrupt mode.
Starts the TIM Base generation in DMA mode.
Stops the TIM Base generation in DMA mode.
DeInitializes the TIM peripheral
Stops the TIM Output Compare signal generation in interrupt mode.
Starts the TIM Output Compare signal generation in DMA mode.
Stops the TIM Output Compare signal generation in DMA mode.
Starts the TIM Input Capture measurement in DMA mode.
Stops the TIM Input Capture measurement in DMA mode.
DeInitializes the TIM One Pulse
Stops the TIM One Pulse signal generation.
Starts the TIM One Pulse signal generation in interrupt mode.
Stops the TIM One Pulse signal generation in interrupt mode.
DeInitializes the TIM Encoder interface
Stops the TIM Encoder Interface.
Starts the TIM Encoder Interface in interrupt mode.
Stops the TIM Encoder Interface in interrupt mode.
Starts the TIM Encoder Interface in DMA mode.
Stops the TIM Encoder Interface in DMA mode.
Configures the OCRef clear feature
Selects the signal connected to the TI1 input: direct from CH1_input or a XOR combination between CH1_input, CH2_input & CH3_input