Vertical back-porch duration.
Vertical front-porch duration.
Vertical active duration.
Low-power command enable This parameter can be any value of DSI_LP_Command.
The size, in bytes, of the low power largest packet that can fit in a line during VSA, VBP and VFP regions.
The size, in bytes, of the low power largest packet that can fit in a line during VACT region.
Low-power horizontal front-porch enable This parameter can be any value of DSI_LP_HFP.
Low-power horizontal back-porch enable This parameter can be any value of DSI_LP_HBP.
Low-power vertical active enable This parameter can be any value of DSI_LP_VACT.
Low-power vertical front-porch enable This parameter can be any value of DSI_LP_VFP.
Low-power vertical back-porch enable This parameter can be any value of DSI_LP_VBP.
Low-power vertical sync active enable This parameter can be any value of DSI_LP_VSYNC.
Frame bus-turn-around acknowledge enable This parameter can be any value of DSI_FBTA_acknowledge.
Color coding for LTDC interface This parameter can be any value of DSI_Color_Coding.
Enable or disable loosely packed stream (needed only when using 18-bit configuration). This parameter can be any value of DSI_LooselyPacked.
Video mode type This parameter can be any value of DSI_Video_Mode_Type.
HSYNC pin polarity This parameter can be any value of DSI_HSYNC_Polarity.
VSYNC pin polarity This parameter can be any value of DSI_VSYNC_Active_Polarity.
Data Enable pin polarity This parameter can be any value of DSI_DATA_ENABLE_Polarity.
Horizontal synchronism active duration (in lane byte clock cycles).
Horizontal back-porch duration (in lane byte clock cycles).
Horizontal line duration (in lane byte clock cycles).
Vertical synchronism active duration.