DSI_CmdCfgTypeDef struct
DSI Adapted command mode configuration
Color coding for LTDC interface This parameter can be any value of DSI_Color_Coding.
Maximum allowed size for an LTDC write memory command, measured in pixels. This parameter can be any value between 0x00 and 0xFFFFU.
Tearing effect source This parameter can be any value of DSI_TearingEffectSource.
Tearing effect pin polarity This parameter can be any value of DSI_TearingEffectPolarity.
HSYNC pin polarity This parameter can be any value of DSI_HSYNC_Polarity.
VSYNC pin polarity This parameter can be any value of DSI_VSYNC_Active_Polarity.
Data Enable pin polarity This parameter can be any value of DSI_DATA_ENABLE_Polarity.
VSync edge on which the LTDC is halted This parameter can be any value of DSI_Vsync_Polarity.
Automatic refresh mode This parameter can be any value of DSI_AutomaticRefresh.
Tearing Effect Acknowledge Request Enable This parameter can be any value of DSI_TE_AcknowledgeRequest.
DSI_CmdCfgTypeDef is referenced by 27 libraries and example projects: