BSP_AUDIO_IN_ConfigMicDefault() function
Initializes default configuration of the Digital Filter for Sigma-Delta Modulators interface (DFSDM).
uint8_t BSP_AUDIO_IN_ConfigMicDefault(uint32_t InputDevice); Arguments
The microphone to be configured. Can be INPUT_DEVICE_DIGITAL_MIC1..INPUT_DEVICE_DIGITAL_MIC5
Return value
AUDIO_OK if correct communication, else wrong communication
Channel output Clock Divider and Filter Oversampling are calculated as follow: - Clock_Divider = CLK(input DFSDM)/CLK(micro) with 1MHZ < CLK(micro) < 3.2MHZ (TYP 2.4MHZ for MP34DT01TR) - Oversampling = CLK(input DFSDM)/(Clock_Divider * AudioFreq)