pointer to an array of ip_addr_t where to store the addresses if they are already cached in the dns_table (only valid if ERR_OK is returned!)
a callback function to be called on success, failure or timeout (only if ERR_INPROGRESS is returned!)
argument to pass to the callback function
- LWIP_DNS_ADDRTYPE_IPV4_IPV6: try to resolve IPv4 first, try IPv6 if IPv4 fails only - LWIP_DNS_ADDRTYPE_IPV6_IPV4: try to resolve IPv6 first, try IPv4 if IPv6 fails only - LWIP_DNS_ADDRTYPE_IPV4: try to resolve IPv4 only - LWIP_DNS_ADDRTYPE_IPV6: try to resolve IPv6 only
dns_gethostbyname_addrtype() is referenced by 1 libraries and example projects: