Register one or more commands in the specified context, as children of @c parent (or top-level commends, if NULL). In a registration's record contains a non-NULL @c chain member and name is NULL, the commands on the chain will be registered in the same context. Otherwise, the chained commands are added as children of the command.
Register one or more commands, as register_commands(), plus specify a pointer to command private data that would be accessible through the macro CMD_DATA. The private data will not be freed when command is unregistered.
Creates a copy of an existing command context. This does not create a deep copy of the command list, so modifications in one context will affect all shared contexts. The caller must track reference counting and ensure the commands are freed before destroying the last instance.
Called by debug adapter drivers, or affiliated Tcl config scripts, to declare the set of transports supported by an adapter. When there is only one member of that set, it is automatically selected.
OpenOCD runtime meat that can become single-thread in future. It parse commandline, reads configuration, sets up the target and starts server loop. Commandline arguments are passed into this function from openocd_main().