The macro's crQUEUE_SEND_FROM_ISR() and crQUEUE_RECEIVE_FROM_ISR() are the co-routine equivalent to the xQueueSendFromISR() and xQueueReceiveFromISR() functions used by tasks. crQUEUE_SEND_FROM_ISR() and crQUEUE_RECEIVE_FROM_ISR() can only be used to pass data between a co-routine and and ISR, whereas xQueueSendFromISR() and xQueueReceiveFromISR() can only be used to pass data between a task and and ISR. crQUEUE_RECEIVE_FROM_ISR can only be called from an ISR to receive data from a queue that is being used from within a co-routine (a co-routine posted to the queue). See the co-routine section of the WEB documentation for information on passing data between tasks and co-routines and between ISR's and co-routines. Example usage:
// A co-routine that posts a character to a queue then blocks for a fixed
// period. The character is incremented each time.
static void vSendingCoRoutine( CoRoutineHandle_t xHandle, UBaseType_t uxIndex )
// cChar holds its value while this co-routine is blocked and must therefore
// be declared static.
static char cCharToTx = 'a';
BaseType_t xResult;
// All co-routines must start with a call to crSTART().
crSTART( xHandle );
for( ;; )
// Send the next character to the queue.
crQUEUE_SEND( xHandle, xCoRoutineQueue, &cCharToTx, NO_DELAY, &xResult );
if( xResult == pdPASS )
// The character was successfully posted to the queue.
// Could not post the character to the queue.
// Enable the UART Tx interrupt to cause an interrupt in this
// hypothetical UART. The interrupt will obtain the character
// from the queue and send it.
// Increment to the next character then block for a fixed period.
// cCharToTx will maintain its value across the delay as it is
// declared static.
if( cCharToTx > 'x' )
cCharToTx = 'a';
crDELAY( 100 );
// All co-routines must end with a call to crEND().
// An ISR that uses a queue to receive characters to send on a UART.
void vUART_ISR( void )
char cCharToTx;
BaseType_t xCRWokenByPost = pdFALSE;
while( UART_TX_REG_EMPTY() )
// Are there any characters in the queue waiting to be sent?
// xCRWokenByPost will automatically be set to pdTRUE if a co-routine
// is woken by the post - ensuring that only a single co-routine is
// woken no matter how many times we go around this loop.
if( crQUEUE_RECEIVE_FROM_ISR( pxQueue, &cCharToTx, &xCRWokenByPost ) )