Specifies what EOC (End Of Conversion) flag is used for conversion by polling and interruption: end of conversion of each rank or complete sequence. This parameter can be a value of ADC_EOCSelection. Note: For injected group, end of conversion (flag&IT) is raised only at the end of the sequence. Therefore, if end of conversion is set to end of each conversion, injected group should not be used with interruption (HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStart_IT) or polling (HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStart and HAL_ADCEx_InjectedPollForConversion). By the way, polling is still possible since driver will use an estimated timing for end of injected conversion. Note: If overrun feature is intended to be used, use ADC in mode 'interruption' (function HAL_ADC_Start_IT() ) with parameter EOCSelection set to end of each conversion or in mode 'transfer by DMA' (function HAL_ADC_Start_DMA()). If overrun feature is intended to be bypassed, use ADC in mode 'polling' or 'interruption' with parameter EOCSelection must be set to end of sequence