specifies the Timers clocks prescalers selection This parameter can be one of the following values: @arg RCC_TIMPRES_DESACTIVATED: The Timers kernels clocks prescaler is equal to HPRE if PPREx is corresponding to division by 1 or 2, else it is equal to [(HPRE * PPREx) / 2] if PPREx is corresponding to division by 4 or more. @arg RCC_TIMPRES_ACTIVATED: The Timers kernels clocks prescaler is equal to HPRE if PPREx is corresponding to division by 1, 2 or 4, else it is equal to [(HPRE * PPREx) / 4] if PPREx is corresponding to division by 8 or more.
This feature is only available with STM32F429x/439x Devices.
__HAL_RCC_TIMCLKPRESCALER is referenced by 3 libraries and example projects: