As the RTC clock configuration bits are in the Backup domain and write access is denied to this domain after reset, you have to enable write access using the Power Backup Access macro before to configure the RTC clock source (to be done once after reset). Once the RTC clock is configured it can't be changed unless the Backup domain is reset using __HAL_RCC_BackupReset_RELEASE() macro, or by a Power On Reset (POR). If the LSE or LSI is used as RTC clock source, the RTC continues to work in STOP and STANDBY modes, and can be used as wake-up source. However, when the HSE clock is used as RTC clock source, the RTC cannot be used in STOP and STANDBY modes. The maximum input clock frequency for RTC is 1MHz (when using HSE as RTC clock source).
__HAL_RCC_RTC_CLKPRESCALER is referenced by 5 libraries and example projects: