START REGISTER MAPPING *************************
accelerometer sensitivity with 2 g full scale [mg/LSB]
END REGISTER MAPPING **************************
Little Endian: data LSB @ lower address
accelerometer sensitivity with 4 g full scale [mg/LSB]
accelerometer sensitivity with 8 g full scale [mg/LSB]
accelerometer sensitivity with 12 g full scale [mg/LSB]
Big Endian: data MSB @ lower address
@file lsm303dlhc.h @author MCD Application Team This file contains all the functions prototypes for the lsm303dlhc.c driver. @attention Copyright (c) 2015 STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved. This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this software component. If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
Output Data Rate = 100 Hz
Output Data Rate = 200 Hz
Output Data Rate = 400 Hz
Output Data Rate = 1620 Hz only in Low Power Mode
Output Data Rate = 1344 Hz in Normal mode and 5376 Hz in Low Power Mode
Single Update: output registers not updated until MSB and LSB reading
OR combination of enabled IRQs
AND combination of enabled IRQs
Output Data Rate = 0.75 Hz
Output Data Rate = 1.5 Hz
Output Data Rate = 7.5 Hz
Output Data Rate = 220 Hz
magnetometer X Y axes sensitivity for 1.3 Ga full scale [LSB/Ga]
magnetometer X Y axes sensitivity for 1.9 Ga full scale [LSB/Ga]
magnetometer X Y axes sensitivity for 2.5 Ga full scale [LSB/Ga]
magnetometer X Y axes sensitivity for 4 Ga full scale [LSB/Ga]
magnetometer X Y axes sensitivity for 4.7 Ga full scale [LSB/Ga]
magnetometer X Y axes sensitivity for 5.6 Ga full scale [LSB/Ga]
magnetometer X Y axes sensitivity for 8.1 Ga full scale [LSB/Ga]
magnetometer Z axis sensitivity for 1.3 Ga full scale [LSB/Ga]
magnetometer Z axis sensitivity for 1.9 Ga full scale [LSB/Ga]
magnetometer Z axis sensitivity for 2.5 Ga full scale [LSB/Ga]
magnetometer Z axis sensitivity for 4 Ga full scale [LSB/Ga]
magnetometer Z axis sensitivity for 4.7 Ga full scale [LSB/Ga]
magnetometer Z axis sensitivity for 5.6 Ga full scale [LSB/Ga]
magnetometer Z axis sensitivity for 8.1 Ga full scale [LSB/Ga]
Continuous-Conversion Mode