STATUS Register: Status Data Register Read only register Default value: 0x00 7 ZYXOR: X, Y and Z-axis Data Overrun. 0: no Overrun has occurred (Default) 1: a new set of data has overwritten the previous ones 6 ZOR: Z-axis Data Overrun. 0: no Overrun has occurred (Default) 1: a new data for the Z-axis has overwritten the previous ones 5 YOR: Y-axis Data Overrun. 0: no Overrun has occurred (Default) 1: a new data for the Y-axis has overwritten the previous ones 4 XOR: X-axis Data Overrun. 0: no Overrun has occurred (Default) 1: a new data for the X-axis has overwritten the previous ones 3 ZYXDA: X, Y and Z-axis new Data Available. 0: a new set of data is not yet available (Default) 1: a new set of data is available 2 ZDA: Z-axis new data available. 0: a new data for the Z-axis is not yet available (Default) 1: a new data for Z-axis is available 1 YDA: Y-axis new data available. 0: a new data for the Y-axis is not yet available (Default) 1: a new data for Y-axis is available 0 XDA: X-axis new data available. 0: a new data for the X-axis is not yet available (Default) 1: a new data for X-axis is available