SETT2 Register: SM2 Detection Settings Register Write only register Default value: 0x00 7 P_DET: SM2 peak detection 0: peak detection disabled (Default) 1: peak detection enabled 6 THR3_SA: 0: no action (Default) 1: threshold 3 limit value for axis and sign mask reset (MASK2_B) 5 ABS: 0: unsigned thresholds (Default) 1: signed thresholds 4 RADI: 0: raw data 1: diff data for State Machine 2 3 D_CS: 0: DIFF2 enabled (difference between current data and previous data) 1: constant shift enabled (difference between current data and constant values) 2 THR3_MA: 0: no action (Default) 1: threshold 3 enabled for axis and sign mask reset (MASK2_A) 1 R_TAM: Next condition validation flag 0: mask frozen on the axis that triggers the condition (Default) 1: standard mask always evaluated 0 SITR: 0: no actions (Default) 1: STOP and CONT commands generate an interrupt and perform output actions as OUTC command.