flash_sector struct
Describes the geometry and status of a single flash sector within a flash bank. A single bank typically consists of multiple sectors, each of which can be erased and protected independently.
Bus offset from start of the flash chip (in bytes).
Number of bytes in this flash sector.
Indication of erasure status: 0 = not erased, 1 = erased, other = unknown. Set by @c flash_driver::erase_check only. This information must be considered stale immediately. Don't set it in flash_driver::erase or a device mass_erase Don't clear it in flash_driver::write The flag is not used in a protection block.
Indication of protection status: 0 = unprotected/unlocked, 1 = protected/locked, other = unknown. Set by @c flash_driver::protect_check. This information must be considered stale immediately. A million things could make it stale: power cycle, reset of target, code running on target, etc. If a flash_bank uses an extra array of protection blocks, protection flag is not valid in sector array.